Ever-increasing environmental regulations, fuel costs, as well as strong competition in the market, demand a very high level of performance in the design of marine systems, with typical goals such as decreasing fuel consumption, reducing operational downtime, and maximizing speed. Modern simulation tools allow the designers a good insight into the performance measures of interest, but can be challenging and time-consuming to employ on a wider scale, especially when performing parameter studies. A proven way to overcome these challenges is automated design exploration and optimization.
Optimization and automated design exploration augment the development process by leading to better and optimized designs, shortening development times and reducing design cycles, as well as increasing the knowledge about the product’s behavior, i.e., the influence of various parameters on its performance, early in the design process, when the freedom for making decisions is largest.
Apart from the aforementioned simulation tools, two crucial components are needed to achieve the desired process automation: a driver of the optimization process with appropriate systematic variation and optimization strategies, and a suitable CAD tool that can reliably produce the different geometry variants that should be analyzed.
CAESES® is a comprehensive software solution for exploring and optimizing complex marine systems. CAESES® bridges the gap between traditional CAD and simulation. It provides intelligent geometry models for robust variation of the shape, and CFD automation to conduct design explorations and optimization. In particular, the focus of CAESES® is simulation-ready and variable CAD.
Why Would I Need an Additional CAD System?
In our experience, the primary bottleneck in setting up and running an automated design exploration or optimization process is related to the handling of geometry:
Geometry variation with traditional CAD systems or line design tools is often tedious or prone to failure, i.e., some or even many of the variants fail to regenerate when changing parameter values.
Too many parameters make optimization inefficient.
It is difficult to consider, or even automatically fulfill, given constraints.
The quality of the CAD model might not be suitable for simulation (e.g., w.r.t. watertightness, level of detail).
For the most part, CAESES® is a highly specialized CAD system that specifically tackles these problems. It is focused on parametric modeling and variation of complex geometries for design studies and optimization. It provides efficient parameterization methods that offer a high degree of flexibility while using less parameters, comprehensive capabilities for integrating constraints, and simulation-ready exports that require no manual processing.
Marine Design Capabilities
CAESES® comes with an extensive set of capabilities to support the design and optimization of marine systems:
Comprehensive parametric modeling of hull, appendage, and propulsor geometries based on fully user-defined parameterizations.
Alternatively, flexible and powerful morphing capabilities for quick but controlled modification of imported geometries (discrete or NURBS based).
Robust variation with little to no failed variants.
Full consideration of constraints, e.g., due to stability and arrangement reasons.
Geometry exports in several different formats suitable for your CFD/meshing tools. Most of the formats support patch naming, so that downstream tools can correctly identify surface patches for the assignment of individual mesh settings or boundary conditions.
Generic interface to easily connect CAESES® to external simulation and calculation tools (often CFD, but also other disciplines such as stability, structural, etc.).
Fully-featured optimization environment with a wide selection of DoE and optimization strategies, as well as data management and post-processing capabilities.
Full scriptability, to easily integrate CAESES® in third-party optimizers or custom workflows.
Marine Applications
Typical applications for CAESES® in marine design are:
Leading players in the sector, such as shipyards, design offices, towing tanks, and research organizations use CAESES® for the optimization of marine systems. This includes companies like Hyundai Heavy Industries, Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, Samsung Heavy Industries, Sumitomo, Lürssen, Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems, Fincantieri, Naval Group, Kongsberg, Meyer Werft, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, HSVA, SSPA, KRISO, DNV, ABS, and Voith.
Bardo Krebber
We have been using CAESES as a geometry tool for optimization of ship hulls and appendages since 2008. The open parametric approach exactly meets our way of working. CAESES combines distinct mathematical CAD with modern handling and appearance. It is easy and intuitive to use, but does also provide full control for all who need it. With its inbuilt feature programming, it even allows us to quickly implement solutions for almost all kinds of additional ideas. CAESES proved to be the best available solution in the market for our services.
Bardo Krebber
Naval Architect and Optimization Specialist
He Jiayi
CAESES is a powerful tool to find the best design. The fully-parametric modelling technology helps us break through the limitations of the original design and brings us far more innovation.
He Jiayi
Lead Engineer at MARIC
Pol Muller
In our experience, using CAESES for creating parametric models was MUCH faster and easier than with our traditional CAD tool – hours versus weeks! For complex geometries such as ship hulls and propellers, the traditional CAD tool was not the optimal solution because when creating variants we experienced a lot of infeasible geometries, whereas in CAESES we had almost 100% success. At Sirehna, CAESES has become an indispensable tool for conducting comprehensive shape optimization studies in an automated CFD-driven design process.
Pol Muller
Head of Thrusters
David Bendl
CAESES is a core component in the design department, and nowadays, it drives all new product developments to ensure the very best performance.
David Bendl
Development Engineer
Cho Tae-Ik
If the hull is already optimized using CAESES, it cannot be improved any further.
Cho Tae-Ik
Executive Vice President
Case Studies and Blog Posts for Marine Applications
Data-Driven Design and Optimization of the INEOS Britannia AC75
Data-Driven Design and Optimization of the INEOS Britannia AC75
The America’s Cup is not only a fierce sporting, but also an engineering competition. Years of development culminate in two months of intense match racing. Designing the hull of an AC75 presents a complex engineering challenge, with numerous factors to consider.
Optimization and Surrogate Modeling of Tip Rake Propellers
Optimization and Surrogate Modeling of Tip Rake Propellers
Traditional propeller designs are no longer sufficient to meet energy efficiency requirements, prompting the need for unconventional designs, such as tip-rake propellers. An optimization framework for tip-rake propellers was developed to efficiently generate suitable designs from given input parameters.
Tackling the EEXI and CII Challenge with Hydrodynamic Optimization
Tackling the EEXI and CII Challenge with Hydrodynamic Optimization
On January 1, 2023, the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) will come into force, creating new challenges for operators of commercial vessels. Ship owners and managers must prepare for these requirements by assessing and improving their vessels as needed. This is crucial in order to earn the proper certificates, allowing them to continue sailing and trading internationally.
Ship Hull Form Optimization with CFD With a capacity of 14,000 TEUs, an overall length of 365.5 meters and a deadweight of 165,517 metric tons, the MSC Danit became the world’s largest container vessel when finished by Korean shipyard Daewoo…
Bulk Carrier Optimization at DNV GL Although often seen as cheap workboxes of the worldwide dirty ore and coal trade, bulk carriers have to comply with an increasing bunch of regulations with efficiency, safety and ecologic background. DNV GL recently…
Hull Optimization of a Self-Propelled Jack-Up Vessel DEKC Maritime has been responsible for the design and engineering of a retrofit of a self-propelled jack-up vessel. For this retrofit, the spudcans (the “feet” of the jacking legs) were increased in size…
MARIC (MARINE DESIGN & RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF CHINA), is one of the leading companies in the Chinese maritime industry, and is a relatively new user of CAESES®. One of their first projects using CAESES® is for in-depth research for container vessel hull optimization.
Optimization of a SWATH SOV Concept at Rolls-Royce Marine
Optimization of a SWATH SOV Concept at Rolls-Royce Marine
Hull Optimization of a SWATH SOV Concept There is a fierce competition for the European market of offshore wind OMS (Operation, Maintenance and Service), expected to have a significant growth in the coming years. Shipowners are constantly pursuing lower costs,…
Design and Optimization of the VOITH Linear Jet The VOITH Linear Jet (VLJ) combines the best properties of propellers with the best properties of waterjets. For this product, one of the most important design challenges is to maintain a high…
Shape Optimization of a Tidal Stream Turbine using CAESES and STAR-CCM+ When the French marine technology experts at Sirehna set out to design the turbine for OpenHydro, the Irish tidal technology specialist, they turned to CAESES for it’s design and…
Optimization of the Hull Internal Layout of an Oil Tanker
Optimization of the Hull Internal Layout of an Oil Tanker
This blog post deals with the improvement of the design of the internal layout of oil tankers targeting safety and economic feedback and considering the incorporated uncertainty.
FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS AG strives to reduce energy consumption and emissions by supporting its customers in improving their products, most notably ships as well as turbomachinery and engine components. Therefore, we have taken a look at the question how much CO2-emissions…
Data-Driven Design and Optimization of the INEOS Britannia AC75
Optimization and Surrogate Modeling of Tip Rake Propellers
Tackling the EEXI and CII Challenge with Hydrodynamic Optimization
Container Ship Optimization at DSME
Bulk Carrier Optimization at DNV
Optimization of a Jack-up Vessel at DEKC Maritime
Container Vessel Optimization at CSSC
Optimization of a SWATH SOV Concept at Rolls-Royce Marine
Linear Jet Design at Voith
Tidal Stream Turbine Design at Sirehna
Optimization of the Hull Internal Layout of an Oil Tanker
Reduction of CO2-Emissions by CAESES
Questions ?
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have questions in the context of your specific application. We look forward to discussing it together with you!