October Deals: Parametric Flow Domain for Impellers

October Deals: Parametric Flow Domain for Impellers

October Deals: Parametric Flow Domain for Impellers

For designers of pumps and turbochargers we offer a new feature for the creation of an impeller’s periodic flow domain. Such a domain helps to readily mesh a design candidate with your meshing software of choice. The generated domain geometry is fully parametric, i.e. changes to the blade shape are automatically transferred to the derived flow domain.


See How it Works

All you need is a parametric CAESES® model that includes the meridional hub and shroud contours, as well as the blade surface. CAESES® provides a blade model for an impeller that is used for demonstration purposes in the following video:


Export of the Domain

The new feature creates the impeller domain, together with the inlet and outlet geometry that can be controlled, too. Colors are assigned to the individual patches according to their function. We use color names such as “hub”, “shroud”, “inlet”, “outlet”  and so forth. You can export everything using standard CAD formats such as Colored STEP, IGES and different STL types. The *.tin format for ANSYS ICEM CFD is also supported. If you need the full model instead of the single slice, then there is an additional option available to generate the whole geometry.

Optionally, create a full model of the fluid domain

Optionally, create a full model of the periodic flow domain

An example of exported impeller files can be downloaded here (zip-archive with Multi-Body STL and STEP file). Feel free to import it into your meshing system to take a look at the different patches of the demo model.


Automated Design Studies and Optimizations

The parametric flow domain is ready for fully automated studies with your meshing and simulation software. The feature can be simply added to your optimization chain in CAESES®, and the data export is done automatically for each new design candidate. All patch names in the exported files are fixed during shape changes. With this, you have everything in place for design and optimization of turbomachinery blades.


And the best thing is: This is not just a black box, nothing is hard-coded! We know that in some cases CFD engineers want to have control about things like the flow domain geometry. Hence, you have full access to the creation process of this feature. If required you can simply edit it according to the specifications of your CFD department (colors, patch names, topology etc.).


Impeller Design: October Deals

For CFD engineers that want to design and optimize impeller geometries, we currently offer special autumn deals that are valid until the end of October 2016.

Why should you go for impeller design with CAESES®? We offer very individual solutions for our users, and we are always in a tight communication with each of them. Our entire team is highly responsive so that you don’t have to wait for getting assistance. If you have a problem, we help immediately! Fast response times and uncomplicated support – this is what you get if you choose us as your partner and our CAESES® based solutions. So here are our October deals:



Package 1: Impeller Flow Domain

Receive your new flow domain feature and use it either with CAESES® or with your free edition of CAESES®. Apply it to your own CAESES® impeller designs, or to the fully-functional & free sample model that is provided in the latest version 4.1.2 of CAESES®, as shown in the video.

Recommended for users that already have their own CAESES® impeller model and where the parametric flow domain is needed for automated meshing.



Package 2: Impeller Starter Kit

Receive your new flow domain feature and additionally receive a customized single blade impeller model according to your company specifications. We discuss all your model details (e.g. profile and thickness definitions) and prepare it respectively, such that it is ready and variable as well as 100% robust for meshing and simulation.

Recommended for new users that need a fast way to create new design candidates with a single click, based on their own definitions of an impeller geometry.



Package 3: Impeller Optimization Suite

Receive a CFD-ready setup of a variable impeller geometry plus full CFD automation. We create a fully parametric impeller model (single blade / optionally splitter blade) according to your specifications, including the presented flow domain feature. In addition, we assist you in integrating and automating your CFD runs, based on the meshing and simulation tools that you use in your company. As a result, you can generate and analyze a new impeller design with a single click within the interface of CAESES®. On top, you’ll get a pro license of CAESES® including our premium support for 6 months, to conduct fully automated design studies and optimizations in the most effective way.

This complete package is recommend if you are looking for an easy-to-use and fast design suite for your impellers that is available for productive use in just a few days.



Please just send us a message using the form below if you are interested in one of the packages. We’d be happy to discuss your individual design situation and the existing work flow in your CFD department. Note that we can also provide solutions for full axial or full radial machines – just ask us 🙂



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