GridPro Blog Post: Shape Optimization for CFD

GridPro Blog Post: Shape Optimization for CFD

GridPro Blog Post: Shape Optimization for CFD

There is a new blog post available on the GridPro blog, which gives you a good summary of shape optimization techniques in the context of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). There are also a couple of interesting CAESES pictures and videos, so don’t miss to check them out!


About GridPro:

GridPro originated out of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract with NASA’s Glenn Research Center. Glenn was seeking a multi-block grid generation program that would run automatically upon identifying a pattern of grid blocks and capabilities to make the necessary adjustments to patterns that were not created exactly to scale. Program Development responded to these needs with GridPro that optimizes grids to be smooth and orthogonal automatically. The company has grown ever since to cater to the requirements of the CFD and the FEA market world-wide.

PDC was founded by Dr. Peter Eiseman. He continues to steer, support and guide the evolution of the product to support the various industrial meshing needs. He has been providing the inspiration to create, a state-of-the-art mesh generation tool for engineers and scientists. The company focuses on providing a robust, high quality, versatile, automatic grid generation tool.

PDC, headquartered in NY, USA., has a branch office in Bengaluru, India., develops and markets GridPro worldwide.