Released CAESES 4.2.1

Released CAESES 4.2.1

Released CAESES 4.2.1

We have released version 4.2.1 of our geometry modeling and optimization software CAESES®.

Based on the fantastic feedback and excellent findings from our users, we have been able to fix a set of issues to further improve the software quality. There are also some new nice-to-have features that came in as user wishes which have been added to make your work with CAESES® a better experience. Thanks to everyone who participated in giving us this great useful input. Here is a selection of the things we’ve resolved and added in this maintenance version:


Section Discretization and Displacement

Plane sections are still often useful entities for hydrostatics calculations and for analysis tools like strip theory. We have improved our section generation algorithms for more robust analysis, especially of unconventional hull forms like multi-hulls. For fast and precise displacement calculations of arbitrary floating structures we have extended our surface integration method to Trimeshes and Breps. Compared to surface groups Breps have the advantage that the surface patch orientation is taken care of by the Brep itself, while for surface groups the user still has to make sure that all surface normals point to the same side of the hull.

Improved and robust hydrostatic calculations for ship hulls

Improved and robust hydrostatic calculations for ship hulls


Improved Handling of Invalid Designs

The behavior of the integrated optimization methods has been improved when invalid designs are returned, which can happen e.g. if the meshing procedure fails or the simulation run crashes.

Improved behavior of design engines for handling of invalid designs

Improved behavior of the CAESES design engines when no results exist for a design


New Curve Functionality

We added a new curve feature for the creation of fair curves with intuitive tangent control for given start and end angles – a simple but great complementary tool for shape changes during automated studies. There is now also a new circle creation method available for NURBS curves, to create a circular arc from a center and two given points – this was also a missing piece in the CAESES® tool box. The extrapolation mechanism of image curves (through the domain) has been improved to allow larger curve extrapolations.

New helper curve for shaping with angles and tangents

Added new curve functionality, e.g. a new helper curve for shaping with angles and tangents


Software Connection

Thanks to user feedback through the CAESES® forum, we were able to detect and reproduce an important problem when copying files and directories through our software connector. This was an issue especially for the OpenFOAM users, and is now resolved.

Thanks to a forum post, we were able to fix the OpenFOAM connection

Thanks to a forum post, the OpenFOAM connection is now running smoothly again


Changes Log and Download

There are many other items we’ve worked on for you, such as the clean-up behavior of design engines and improvements for brep objects, a modified export of FSC-scripts (to run CAESES® in batch mode). All details about new features, changes and bug fixes can be found in our changes log. We recommend to update to this latest version 🙂 In order to download the new installation package, please follow the link below:


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