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  3. Hi Alexandros, I'm happy to show you the process, it is pretty straight forward. However, as will any partially parametric modelling, you will need a good baseline geometry if you want to achieve a nice shape variation. In your case, I recommend you to remodel the skeg first. Cheers, Heinrich
  4. Hello, I am trying to create a ffd function using a lattice to deform the stern of my ship in 2 direction to create 3,4 different models. I am trying to find information online as to how to do this, but I have had no result. Can anybody help guide me? I am also open to a quick online video chat to explain the process I should follow, if anyone can help me I would be very grateful. JYOCEAN_caeses.igs
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  6. Hi Saji, I will recommend you go through the Caeses SoftwareConnector Tutorials. You are trying to run SpaceClaim however there is no mention of your script file. Maybe you would like to create a .bat file where the commands to run Spaceclaim (in with no gui maybe) using your script file. And then assigning that .bat file as your executable. Cheers Ceyhan
  7. Hi! I am trying to link caeses through space claim scripting, but when I am executing the .exe of space claim through caeses the file is not opening. The attachments are based on a sduct sample in tutorials sduct.pre.txt
  8. HI Heinrich I understand the software connector part! Thank you very much! The part where the archive disappears seems to be different from the process you described. The problem I encountered (as you said is unlikely to happen), if it happens next time I will try to use screen recording and come back to you for advice! Thanks for your help!!! Best Regards YuKai
  9. Dear Yukai, no worries, just had to make sure I understand the problem. If you want to trigger a CFD through CAESES you can either manually run the software connector or perform an optimization which will automatically trigger a CFD evaluation for every design variant. If you want to change the configuration you can change the templates in the software connector (as you described) or modify an input file on your computer to which the software connector refers. Generally speaking you want to use the template approach if you want to modify the input file for each design individually. If the input file is the same for all design variants, it is enough to supply that file to CAESES as a reference. Any changes you make in a CAESES project will be saved (temporarily in a recovery file and permanently once you manually save the project). What I could imagine is, that you changed a parameter for a particular design (i.e. after a design engine run, you can switch into any of the evaluated designs, unlock them and do modifications) -- these changes will not be reflected in the baseline design. Maybe this is what got you puzzled? If you can reproduce the described behavior, I'll gladly take a look to find out whats going wrong. Cheers, Heinrich
  10. HI Heinrich Sorry for causing you trouble For example, I clicked controlDict in the Input File interface to enter and modify endtime, setting it as a modifiable parameter. I also set some parameters in snappyhexmesh. In the software connector I have to run it first to trigger CFD, is this step correct? So if I modify parameters later, do I need to do it again in the software connector? I tried to modify a parameter and then saved and closed it normally. After reopening the project, the parameters returned to the unmodified values. I'll go look for it and see if it's a problem with my computer. Thanks for your help!!! Best Regards YuKai
  11. Hi YuKai, where exactly do you "modify any parameter in Openfoam"? Do you refer to changes in the template files of the software connector? Any changes in a project that you saved should never change back after re-opening the project. If you arrive at a different state the only reaso I could imagine is that you shoose to recover a crashed file upon opening. In this case, the recovery file and not the project file will be opened which could bring you to a different project status. Best regards, Heinrich
  12. Hello! I would like to ask, after setting up and completing the software connection, I need to run it once to ensure that Openfoam (CFD) is triggered. Does this step need to be performed every time I modify any parameter in Openfoam? At present, if I don't execute it once in the software connection interface, all the parameters I adjusted will return to the original settings. In addition, after I archived the file, some of the originally set parameters changed back to their original state when loading the file, which troubled me very much. There were even cases where all the files were lost after loading and I had to restart the settings. I would like to ask if there is any way to solve it? Thanks for your help!!! Best Regards YuKai
  13. HI Simon thank you for your reply I'll check my configuration settings again and set the grid size Thanks for your help!!! Best Regards YuKai
  14. HI YuKai, yes, it does not make a difference if you run the OpenFOAM simulation from CAESES or directly from the command line. The only possible explanation that I can think of is that the two simulations converged at different states. For example, in one simulation the flow is attached to the geometry and in the other it is seperated. But that has nothing to do with CAESES and only depends on your simulation setup. Ideally, you want to have the same result every time you run a simulation with the same geometry and configurations. One solution could be to increase the mesh size to have a higher resolution in regions where the flow changes a lot (e.g. seperation points). Best regards, Simon
  15. Hi! Normally, the results of using coupled openfoam to calculate resistance in CAESES optimization and pulling out the optimized shape separately for openfoam resistance simulation will be the same? (Assuming all configuration settings are the same) The resistance results currently calculated during optimization are different from the results obtained when I took the optimized model out separately and used openfoam calculations (without CAESES coupling and then performed Opemfoam simulation). But all configurations and models are the same. What might be the problem? Thanks for your help!!! Best Regards YuKai
  16. Hi Saji, Sure. You only need to create your Fluent script file in TUI. Then provide those files to SoftwareConnector. Cheers Ceyhan
  17. Thank you ! we will be waiting for your guidelines. i would also like to know, if i can connect to Ansys Fluent directly through CAESES without the use of ACT ? just like starccm+ connection through software connector
  18. Hi Ruhanii, You are right, it is not discussed and not included in the samples. The raw creation of a flow domain for fan like geometries in caeses is usally based on these general steps: creation of a boundary surface between two blades rotate this surface accordingly to the number of blades to get a periodic sector (at the sample axial fan, a sector of the fan is created somehow similar) create the faces at shroud and hub radius (e.g. using surface of revolution, or cutting images from existing hub and shroud surfaces (take care of the edges!)) create a Brep and close planar faces to build a solid (extend and trim surfaces, if needed) build a solid from the blade to cut out the blade from the flow domain (both flow domain and fan need to be a solid (closed Brep)) color the faces during brep operations to give them labels A more complex and advanced example for an impeller pump is provided here. There, the flow domain is build via feature definition. Hope that gives you some inspiration. Best Carl
  19. Hi Saji, Sure, I will create some guideline and post here on the next days. Cheers Ceyhan
  20. Hello ceyhan, We don't know the files required to link the workbench project in caeses through software connector. Kindly provide a dedicated tutorial. Regards Saji.v.f
  21. Hi Saji, Caeses Workbench App works as a geometry provider within the Ansys Workbench Environment. So if you are planning to use the Ansys Workbench gui, then you are not able to benefit from the Caeses optimization tools. On the other hand, you can embed your Ansys Workbench project inside Caeses through SoftwareConnector using the Caeses Workbench App. Cheers Ceyhan
  22. Hi ! we would like to know the procedure for caeses to Ansys fluent solver through software connector. we were able to run through ACT but unable to link to caeses optimization algorithm. kindly guide us the procedure for caeses to Ansys fluent. regards saji.v.f
  23. Hi, I want to design an axial fan using Turbo Machine Workflow and create a fluid domain to perform CFD analysis using ANSYS Fluent. I followed the Axial Fan Tutorial available in the documentation. In this tutorial, a section of the axial fan is created along with the boundary surface. However, I do not see the fluid domain creation process. There is a tutorial video available at this https://youtu.be/9Eo44u43OFI. At 2:27 minutes, the fluid domain is shown, but the creation process is not discussed. Additionally, I tried following the tutorial in the Documentation under Tutorials/Blade Design/Centrifugal Impeller Modeling, but this option is not available for axial fan design. After designing the fan, I want to link it to CAESES Geo Engine for ANSYS Workbench and then create a workflow with Fluent. Using the parameters defined in CAESES, I aim to optimize the axial fan to achieve the required output parameters. Could you please help me create a periodic fluid domain for the axial fan? Thank you, Ruhanii Avula
  24. Dear all, i am trying to use a relatively old Alienware/Dell machine for some SBDO using CAESES / STARCCM+ on Ubuntu..Despite the effort, i cannot figure out what is missing and CAESES_5.2 cannot launch. I have tried using Ubuntu 20.04/22.04/24.04 LTS but no result. Pls find attached screenshot1 containing the output error and screenshot2 showing PC's specs. 1)Can you advice on above matter ? 2) Would you suggest any other linux distribution that would allow for a smooth operation/integration of CAESES / STARCCM+ concerning the machine described above ? Thank you very much for your support, Kind Regards, Chris
  25. Hello sajidrdo, Thank you for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, we are not really sure what exactly the variation could have caused, since we would need some additional information and detail about the geometry and the software you were comparing it to. We would gladly support you in this regard. Best regards, Johannes
  26. Hello Sir, We have modeled a propeller according to our data, using automated tip section in caeses (case 1) and manually in other software(case2). we observed a signficant variation of skew and chord at the tip section between case 1 and case 2.
  27. Good Evening, yes running the Allrun in the directory works without any problems. I also recently tried to connect OpenFOAM via cygwin(like Mr. Carsten Fütterer did), but this still didn't work. Sincerely, Gian
  28. HI dongdongdong, There is no real mirror in CAESES. If you want to have an object mirrored you can create a copy and add a transformation. Actually for hull shapes there is a BRep operation "addMirrored" that will do it for you and combines the two sides in one new BRep. Best Regards Claus
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