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Found 16 results

  1. Good morning everyone: I am using CAESES to perform a parametric propeller modelling for my Ph.D. Thesis (hydroacoustic optimization of marine propellers). I have tried to model the blade tip with the package "Propeller Tip" which fir a 1st iteration/training seems pretty convenient and robust. However, it only applies it to a single blade. Does anyone know how can I apply the tip to the rest of the blades? Thank you!! Best regards: Adrián. CAESES_Tutorial_Propeller.cdbc
  2. I reduced the maximum radius of my blade to 0.95 and then adding the propeller tip as the official guide suggests, but I ended up with this weird folded geometry for me at the tip. I played around with the maximum radius with no change, so I'm not sure what's causing it. Does anyone know how to fix this? Here are some pictures of the weird tip geometry; I also attached my project file below. propeller.cdbc
  3. Hello everyone I built a parametric propeller model using Caeses and imported it into the Workbench platform, meshed it with Fluent Meshing, solved it with Fluent, and I had a problem with solving failures. I named the propeller surface "wall_prop" and selected all the wall_prop named faces in fluent to establish the output as thrust and moment. However, whenever the parameter points are changed and the mesh is updated, the original name will become wall_prop_1, wall_prop_2...... the original name will disappear, and the output torque and force will not automatically select the new name, resulting in the calculated thrust and torque being wrong or the software directly reporting an error. I don't know how to solve this problem so that the automated simulation can continue.
  4. Hi,guys, excuse me .I can't find the B-series propller in CAESES sample. How could get or design it ? I have to implement it in my project.Can you give me some advice or help with the B series? Looking forward to your reply. Thanks.
  5. HI everyone, I'm having a hard time. I created the blades and tips. As shown in Fig. However, when I create the propeller with Model-propeller-propller, I only get incomplete blades. The tips were not created together. This is shown in the image below. Also, due to the language, I may have a problem with the description not being clear, so please forgive me. Looking forward to your answer. prop_para.cdbc
  6. How can I design propellers from standard series like BTroost?
  7. I have three questions about CAESES、 workbench and propeller feature。 1、Import an existing STEP geometry in CAESES with units in meters and dimensions is 0.0046m=4.6mm, but when I import FSC into the workbench and opening it through SCDM, the size has changed to 0.0046mm. The size has been reduced by a thousand times. How to correct it? 2、After importing geometry A into CAESES on the workbench platform, it is necessary to performExternal flow CFD analysis on A. Therefore, an external computational domain was created using SCDM in the A-3 module to form B. when the parameters of CAESES were modified, and the geometry in the A-3 module became C, but SCDM did not automatically create an external computational domain for it. So my question is, if in the optimization process, it is necessary to automatically create external computational domains for parameterized geometry, what should be done? 3、A propeller was created using CAESES' propeller feature. Since CFD calculation requires a closed geometry。 how can the tail and tip of the blade be closed for CFD calculation?
  8. Hi all, for viscous flow computations it is necessary to have a watertight geometry. For this reason I created two features which closes the blade tip of the blades which were created with our blade engine. 1. Feature: I created a fillet curve above the blade gap with the fillet curve I created a lofted surface which closes the gap 2. Feature: I created a nurbs curve which depends on the fillet curve from the 1. Feature the two inner points of the nurbs curve are located on the fillet curveyou can change both the position of the points onto the fillet curve and the weights of the points with the nurbs curve I created a lofted surface which closes the gap so you have more control over the surface shape but also you do not have a tangential transition between the blade surface and the tip surfaceIf you are interested in viscous flow computations with our blade/propeller definition please give feedback to these features if it work good or not. I think I will improve the method within the next days (or weeks). Cheers Matthias closedBladeTip.fdf closedBladeTipNurbs.fdf
  9. CAESES provides comprehensive functionality for propeller and fan designers so that it can be used as an expert blade design software. Basically, any kind of propeller blade (e.g. boat propeller, aircraft propeller, blowers, fans etc.) for any application can be created with it. CAESES focuses on the variable geometry of blades for design explorations and shape optimization (mostly, together with CFD). Here is a screenshot for an axial blade design, taken from one of the samples that are shipped with CAESES: For general information about modeling of propellers, see the MARINE SECTION. For other rotating machines, please see the TURBOMACHINERY SECTION. 2D PROFILES 2D profiles can be defined by the user. These can be either parametric (e.g. camber curve + thickness distribution) or based on profile data from an air foil data base. There are models available with special definitions such as Wageningen B-Series. NACA curves are also available in CAESES via the menu > curves > naca. When generating the 3D propeller surface, the profile parameters can be changed by means of radial functions for each 2D parameter (e.g. chord, camber, thickness). IMPORT AND EXPORT In order to import or export the blade in a proprietary format, feature definitions can be used which allows you cope with e.g. company-specific ASCII formats. The PFF (Propeller Free Format) is directly supported. EXTERNAL TOOL / CFD AUTOMATION Any preliminary design tool (XFOIL etc) or even CFD packages (in-house, open source, commercial) can be integrated so that a new design can be analyzed within CAESES. BLADE ANALYSIS There is a functionality that can analyze an imported blade surface (given as NURBS) to give you the chord, rake, skew, pitch, thickness and camber distributions. CUSTOMIZATION There is a lot of scripting possible in CAESES so that any specialized design process can be fully transferred into the platform. For instance, if you use Excel sheets for your profile definitions, you can access them through CAESES but also re-implement your methods using the feature definition programming editor. EXAMPLES Some propeller design case studies can be found in this section. If you are interested in drone design, then check out this post here. Here are some videos - the last one I put there only to give you an impression about how the geometry controls can be wrapped and accessed for applying changes, this can be done for all other types of blades as well. Wageningen Propeller ModelPropellerBlade Tip DesignGeometry Changes for an Axial Fan (and a Ship Hull) - Demo Video ONLINE TOOL Finally, check out the new online geometry creator for the Wageningen B-Series. Browser-based, intuitive web app.Allows you to generate typical B-Series propellers with just a few clicks.Requires very little propeller design expertise.The final geometry can be downloaded as STL or STEP file. LAST UPDATE JANUARY 2018 Note that there are FULL FREE ACADEMIC versions of the pro edition CAESES for students and PhD students as well as trial licenses with variable time frames. There are also special editions for small companies, start-ups and freelancers.
  10. Hi all, attached is an example of a wind turbine. This surface model is based on empiric [burton, 2011. Wind Energy handbook] radial distribution of chord and pitch, which are dependend by the Design Angle of Attack (AOA)Lift CoefficientRadiusTip Speed RatioThe Lift Coefficient can be determined, by empiric equations (0.1*(AOA+4°)[burton,2011]), taken from tables or can be determined with other ways. The Profile based on a cambered NACA-4ds. The Tip Speed Ratio is given by (Pi*D*n_R/v_w), where n_R is the rotational speed, and v_w the design wind velocity. The angle of the rotation can be varied as well, to avoid contact of the blades with the shaft in stormy conditions. A design attribute of this wind turbine is, that the maximum chord length is modeled up to the hub, which should enlarge the total power coefficient, because of less speration losses. This is reached with a little stationary wing part at the hub, where the design pitch angle should be that from the design wind velocity and tip speed ratio. Furthermore this example shows tip and subsurface modulation. WindTurbine.fdb
  11. Hey, There is a video available with regard to Propeller Design. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpyZ3vTGct8&list=UU0GfNDj5JIoBWR-YUFQ_xMA The video shows how to create a parametric 2D profile definition in a few steps. This profile defintion will be connected to the blade object. The parametric profile is created with two Fsplines and an offset curve with some parameters which can be used in a variation or an optimization. Best Regards Karsten
  12. Hi together, If you want to change the rotational direction of a propeller blade (type FGenericBlade), then you can simply switch the orientation. See the attachment for more information. Cheers Joerg
  13. Hi, if you want to create a periodic mesh based on one shape, please find therefore the attached example . This feature is often used when propeller have to be exported to stl files for a viscous calculation. The procedure is as follows: 1. create all need surfaces 2. for surface visualization put all surfaces into a ImageSurfaceGroup and use this as source of the PeriodicImages feature. This feature can be found in the transformation tap. 3. create a TriMesh with all needed surfaces 4. Use this TriMesh as a source for the feature definition periodicmesh best regards Carsten periodic.fdb
  14. Hi folks Please find attached a CFD-ready, fully parametric propeller geometry (optional with shaft and PBCF). Modeled in CAESES. See the marine section for more information about propeller design. It bases on the model which Daehwan, one of our Naval Architects, posted a while ago: http://www.friendship-systems.com/forum/index.php?/topic/201-propeller-boss-cap-fin-pbcf-modeling-practice/ I made a few changes to make it more user-friendly. First of all this project provides 4 CFD-ready Solids which you can find in the baseline scope. In order to export one of them as a STL file, select it and go to "FILE > EXPORT > STL" or type into the console ".exportSTLExtractColors()" (or similar). STL_Propeller_Only: This is just a watertight propeller with a hub. In order to change the fully parametric blades go to "1_bladeModeling > 2_geometry > 2_blade". There you can find the functions and the blade engine. STL_With_Shaft: This Solid consists of the same propeller and a simple shaft.STL_With_Cap: Additionally to shaft and propeller you can find a propeller cap which holds the fins in the next STL file.STL_With_Fins: This is the complete geometry which you can see in the first picture.A few words to the parameters: You can find the different sets of parameters in "1_parameters" in each Modeling-Scope.I added a documentation to every parameter.You can find one parameter directly in the Baseline-Scope: RBlade (propeller blade radius). This parameter is used as the global scaling parameter. If RBlade=1, every parameter in the project keeps the exact value which you can see (and measure) in the 3dView. By changing the propeller blade radius the whole geometry scales accordingly. Each parameter will keep the initial value in the ratio to the RBlade=1. [Project File edited 20.10.2014] STL_Propeller.fdb
  15. Ladies and Gentlemen I have a short introduction about the evaluation project of propeller open water test using CAESES + STARCCM+. You can find the whole contents at the link below. GO :D
  16. Happy new year folks, for all the new users as well as experienced users, here is a short update regarding the connection of CAESES / FRIENDSHIP Framework and OpenFOAM. Since the software release 3.1.1 (the free version as well as the commercial version) you can now find two tutorials showing you how to connect to OpenFOAM. This makes CAESES / FRIENDSHIP Framework a nice GUI to run CFD simulations with OpenFOAM. By using these two powerful software you can vary and optimise partially-parametric and fully parametric CAD models of any kind. If you are interested in an Open Water Propeller simulation you can go through the tutorial "Propeller with OpenFOAM". Another tutorial shows you how to setup a simulation for a SDuct for internal flow. Moreover you can still find the Ahmed Body sample which includes a complete OpenFOAM setup. See this post, if you don't know how to get started with CAESES / FRIENDSHIP Framework: GETTING STARTED If you have questions you can search the FORUM for "OpenFOAM" or create your own post. Have fun! Cheers Matthias
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