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Found 17 results

  1. Hi everyone. I'm running an optimization using Sobol and nsga, my first question is: its possible that the first generation of nsga be the pool of results of sobol? my other question is: how can configure the design engine just to create models that no violate the constraints thank you, regards
  2. Hello, I have result pool and I want to create a response surface optimization using the results. The results have been come from the sampling method with running CFD. When I read the article which is titled "How To Create a Response Surface in 4 Easy Steps" on your website, it tells that response surface method can be used to optimize the design without CFD run. I guess the article is belong to old version of CAESES. I cannot use the method without CFD. It uses the result pool and creates new designs and after that, it runs the design iteration on CFD. How can I use the response surface optimization without CFD run? Best Regards, Furkan
  3. Hello everyone, Currently working on my thesis project for optimization of a planning craft (approx. 9m). I've modeled the hull of the craft with a MetaSurface and at about the center of the hull there are some surface discrepancies, which are becoming visually more clear while experimenting with some of the design variables. Could you please advise on the matter? Is this a visual issue, if no which are the process options in order to maintain the same magnitude of variation for the most of design variables? Moreover, please advise on the optimization of the Parameters & Design Variables having in mind the planning craft principles. Koula_Design.cdbc
  4. I am following a YouTube video to connect caeses and starccm+. However, I clicked “run computation” in the video 4 minutes and 47 seconds to execute, but an error occurred. All the previous processes were the same as in the video. I desperately want to solve this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Arguments were entered as follows. "starccm+ -batch setup.java -cpubind -rsh ssh -np 7-power" + getResultsDir() + "\R-FrontWing_2d_CFD.sim" And the following error occurred Error: Cannot open file: starccm+ (specify -new to create the file) Server working directory: 'D:\name\name\R-FrontWing_2d_StarCCM+_round_edge\manual_results\baseline\Runner' Non-recoverable error: {'Neo.Error': 'Error', 'Path': 'starccm+', 'Processor': 0, 'Recoverability': 'Non-recoverable', 'ServerStack': ['SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: \'.\', symOptions: 530, UserName: \'name\'\n', 'OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1\n', '00007FF902CEA9A4 (StarPlatform): (filename not available): Platform::Platform\n', '00007FF8E8F8F35A (StarNeo): (filename not available): NonRecoverableError::NonRecoverableError\n', '00007FF8D312CDED (StarMachine): (filename not available): Machine::startServerHost\n', '00007FF8D311DA9E (StarMachine): (filename not available): Machine::main\n', 'ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF652AF16FB)\n', '00007FF652AF16FB (star-ccm+): (filename not available): (function-name not available)\n', 'ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF652AFA647)\n', '00007FF652AFA647 (star-ccm+): (filename not available): (function-name not available)\n', '00007FF925847C24 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk\n', '00007FF925AED4D1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart\n'], 'ServerState': 'exiting', 'message': 'Cannot open file: starccm+ (specify -new to create the file)\nServer working directory: \'D:\\name\\name\\name\\R-FrontWing_2d_StarCCM+_round_edge\\manual_results\\baseline\\Runner\'\n', 'severity': 'ERROR'} What is the problem? Is the macro file the problem? Are the'-, _'s in the filenames a problem? Are Arguments the Problem? Starccm+.exe is on drive C, caeses project file and starccm sim file on drive D. Is this the problem? Anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hello everyone, I'm in lack of opportunity of conducting model test in my university. To carry on my studies I need either full parametric model of well-known benchmark vessels(KCS, KVLCC2, DTC, ONR etc.) to study on multi-objective optimization or experimental results of a SWATH hull to validate myself on CFD and go further. Anyone can give a hand with sth? Thank you in advance. Regards, Hasan.
  6. Dear All, as I am basically new to CAESES and not very familar with modelling ship hulls myself, I wonder if anybody has already modelled the KVLCC2 / KCS as a fully partametric model in CAESES and would provide me with his/her work. My main purpose would be to use KVLCC2/KCS as model ship and running optimisation studies on it in Star CCM+. I have tried to import the IGEs files of both, but both seem to be broken. I have also tried to use a KVLCC2 model from my university, which is only available as dbs-file and exported this as STL from Star CCM+, imported it to CAESES and after adjustments in CAESES, re-imported into Star CCM+. However, also this failed. Hopefully, there is somebody out there, who could help me. Br Matt
  7. Hello to everyone. Is there anyone who's made integration between Caeses and Maxsurf Stability/ Maxsurf Resistance before? If any, can you please share it to me to learn how to make it? Regards, Hasan.
  8. hi it`s simple question. but i can`t found previous topic .. for example, I want to run 3 optimization with batch mode. how to i do...? which script i add in fsc file? thanks best regards MooSung batch_test.zip
  9. Hello guys,   I am working on an optimization of a motion function of a variable pitch turbine. The design variables in sobol can only be a number but not expressions. Is there any other way to optimize a function or expression?  Thank you.    
  10. CAESES is used for the parametric design of axial fans and similar turbomachinery products, mostly in the context of simulation-driven shape optimization. In particular, CAESES is used if you need robust variable geometry models for automated studies. The comprehensive CAD modeling capabilities are geared towards simulation and give fan designers full flexibility (no black box, customization possibilities). More information about turbomachinery design software can be found here. I have also attached a few animations that were generated in CAESES. The design variables of the axial fan model were varied automatically using the integrated variation methods. Note that this is a rather simple model which is also shipped with the software. It can be used as a reference design to set up custom models. The hub and shroud modeling is demonstrated, as well as the 2D-3D mapping of the cylindrical sections and some Boolean Operations to cut the blade at the tip and merge it with the hub. The fillet size can also be controlled by a parameter. If needed, you could also automatically derive the periodic flow domain for automated meshing with grid generation tools or CFD packages.
  11. Hi all, I'm doing an optimisation on an axisymmetric body. I have manually generated the coordinates of the profile by variating the parameters and put them in individual CSV files(got 200 of them!!!). I want CAESES to generate the geometry for each CSV file and run the analysis in Star CCM+ automatically and save the results. I want to know if this is possible or not, if yes then please please guide me :)
  12. Those of you that attended last year's user's meeting in Berlin already got a glimpse of some pretty exciting new functionality. For those of you that couldn't make it and because it has progressed into an actual releasable feature (once it has passed the testing phase, that is), let me give you a short introduction. Ok, I am sure all of you know the SshResourceManager, right?! ... NO?! Hmpf, OK. The SshResourceManager (SSHRM) is a light-weight grid-engine shipped with CAESES that allows you to run your external (CFD) solvers on remote computers (sorry, it is not usable with the CAESES free). So, for example, your solver only runs on Linux but you prefer working on Windows with your workstation? No problem, use the SSHRM to act as a bridge to that Linux machine. Your external code should run on that super powerful 128 core machine in your basement? Use the SSHRM to start it there. You have a bunch of computers standing around in your office and all those CPUs/cores inside of them are bored all the time? Use the SSHRM to put those CPUs to good use. The only requirement is, that the computer(s)s you want to run your external code on is (are) accessible through SSH (hence the name SSHResourceManager). Don't worry, there are SSH-servers for Windows, too... The SSHRM is shipped with a detailed admin guide, so the setup should be pretty straight-forward. Don't be scared (it's no Voodoo, really - and we are always willing to help). So, now that we got that out of the way, let's get to the point of this entry: The SSHRM is great to distribute the workload of your external solvers to the resources you have available in your network. It does not only keep track of the CPUs that are currently in use, but also helps you to make sure those expensive licenses for your CFD programs do not go idle (but are not overused at the same time). The SSHRM may even be helpful if you do not want to use remote computers at all, but just need to make sure that your floating licenses users do not block each other. Even if the actual program runs locally on the engineer's machine. I'm drifting off my actual target here, but I just have the feeling too few people know about these possibilities or are afraid of setting up this system. If the latter applies to you: DON'T BE AFRAID! It's really not that complicated and, after all, the good guys at FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS are always there to assist you. (Did I mention, that the admin guide that is shipped with the SSHRM is really good and thorough?) OK, so where were we, before I went off to tell you how great the SSHRM is? Right... the new stuff! In the next version (4.0 - yeah, baby!) it will be possible to not only run the external code on the remote computer, but run your whole optimization there! Wait! ... What? ... Yeah, you read correctly! ... I know... how cool is that!? Well, of course at least one of your remote computers needs to be running CAESES to enable this option, so license costs may apply... So, the workflow breaks down like this: Start a DesignEngine on your workstation Pause it Close the project If you have CAESES as an application in the SSHRM, you will be asked whether you want to send the project to the SSHRM and have the DesignEngine continue there. If you choose to do so, the SSHRM will select one computer (with CAESES installed) to run your DesignEngine and send your project there. Keep on working on a different project (or a copy of the same one or just do something completely different... I heard that "youtube" is supposed to be pretty good ;) ) on your workstation, your optimization will run in your personal "cloud" controlled by the SSHRM. Every once in a while, check in with the SSHRM through the webinterface in your browser to see the current state of your DesignEngine (basically the Design-Results-Table delivered to your web browser) ... dang.. I didn't even mention that nice new feature in 4.0, yet. I'll get back to that later, Once the DesignEngine has finished (or you decide that it should not run anymore), open the local copy of the project. This will automatically request the project's current state of the project from the SSHRM (of course, you have the freedom of choice. You can just continue the project where you left off). Yes.. this part may take some time, since all that result data needs to be copied back to your machine. If the DesignEngine finished remotely, you can now start post-processing. If it did not finish, you can keep it running locally, abort it, or even send it to the SSHRM again. Number 6. seems to be interesting (imho)... So, in the next version, it will be possible to publish the current state of a running DesignEngine to the network. This means that <note: some technical stuff ahead> CAESES/FFW will start a webserver on a (configurable) port </end technical stuff> that allows to view the current state of the DesignEngine through a web-browser. This is independent of whether you use the SSHRM or not. As long as you are able to access the workstation where the optimization runs through a network, you will be able to monitor your DesignEngine in a browser (even with a dedicated mobile interface if you happen to use your smart-phone or tablet). Even when the DesignEngine runs on your personal workstation, it is possible to "publish" it to the SshResourceManager. In that case the SSHRM will serve as a proxy to the computer running the DesignEngine, so all you need to do is access the web-interface of the SSHRM and it will give you the details of the optimization. Of course, it is possible to protect that web-access with a username and a password. All of this will happen pretty much automagically! Yes... but .... there are some things to keep in mind, when the DesignEngine utilizes external solvers (which it most likely will). If those external processes run remotely through a SSHRM, the remote execution can only succeed if the remote computer running the DesignEngine has the same SSHRM configured as the originating workstation (this is actually the easy case. If this is given, it is possible to pause, close and send a project while a remote process on the SSHRM is running!) If those external processes run locally, the remote computer needs to have the needed LocalApplications configured (preferably to run the desired program). Note that in this case any running processes need to finish before a) sending the project to the SSHRM and B), when requesting the project from a remote executor before the DesignEngine has finished, the system will wait for all local processes to finish before "giving the project back" (step 8). In both cases, during sending, it is possible to run a check on the remote computers before sending the project to one of them (if multiple computers are configured to run CAESES/FFW only those will be considered that passed this check) .... but... yes.... there is some human knowledge required in order to make sure that this works! We tried to automatize as much as possible, but only the user can tell if the external programs that will be launched are actually those that are meant. As a side note (for those of you that are not even closely interested in running anything on any remote computers): In CAESES 4.0 it will be possible to really pause a DesignEngine, close the Project (or the whole program if desired), and open the project later with the DesignEngine continuing to run where you left off (the restrictions regarding external processes mentioned above still apply, though). I know... (again) this was a pretty long read... I apologize! But, somehow I just can't keep it short if there is so much cool new exciting functionality to be introduced... Please let me know, what you think of this, point out stuff that I got you confused with, or (I'd love this the most) give new ideas on taking this even further! Thanks for reading, until next time! Arne P.S.: You made it... have a cookie!
  13. Hi together, The pro edition of CAESES comes with a set of algorithms for design exploration and formal optimizations. However, people often already use an external optimization software in their company (such as HEEDS, Isight, modeFrontier, Optimus, optiSLang etc). In this case, one can make use of the batch mode of the CAESES pro edition, in order to automatically generate geometry design variants, using the given optimization tool. I attached a small setup (sweepbatch.zip) which demonstrates how simple this works: sweep.fdb Project file that contains the geometry model along with its design variables.sweep.fsc ASCII file that controls the batch run. It starts CAESES, sets the values of the design variables and exports an STL file. This fsc-file is the one that needs to be manipulated by the external optimization software, i.e. parameterize the values of the design variables (see the "setValue"-command).run.bat Run this file to execute the entire process. The run of sweep.fdb also writes out the number of open edges into a file called "openedges.dat". It is merely a simple check for a closed STL geometry, and this information can be used as well by the optimization tool (geometry validity check). Cheers Joerg PS: check out this related post as well. UPDATE AUGUST 2017: The call in the bat/script file needs to be "C:\Program Files (x86)\FRIENDSHIP-SYSTEMS\CAESES\bin\win64\CAESES_crt.exe" sweep.fsc with the newer versions of CAESES (and not CAESES-FFW). sweepbatch.zip
  14. Hi together, Note that CAESES is a ship hull design software, in particular, in the context of hull form optimization with CFD (computational fluid dynamics). It mainly focuses on the underwater part. The software provides comprehensive CAD functionality for generating smooth and variable hull surfaces , a complete variant management, 2D section visualization, hydrostatic calculation, 2D drawing, Lackenby transformation, STL and CAD tools for creation of flow domains, plus integration mechanisms to plug-in simulation and other preliminary tools. Energy-saving devices and propellers can be modeled, too. Furthermore, sea-keeping tools (basically, any other external software) can also be added to the design process. Please find below more screenshots that are taken from CAESES. Cheers Joerg LAST UPDATE NOV 2018: Note that there are FREE pro editions for students and PhD students, plus special packages for start-ups, small companies and freelancers. nurbs_direct_modification.mp4
  15. Hi everybody, I recently tried my hands on integrating CAESES with fluent and i think its worth sharing for those who work with fluent and will like to use CAESES parametric models. Please find attached a copy of my project file. its a simple meta-surface elbow i designed with an ellipse curve.Functions for the "width and "height" of the curve are defined. you can have a look at how parameters are set from function curves. I used ICEMCFD as my meshing tool and Fluent as CFD solver. specific files such as the *.rpl and *.jou were used as input files( checkout the attachments). Absolute paths should be changed to relative paths via "getdesigndir()...." (not all paths are necessary!). A *.bat file, RunFluent.bat, was used to run both ICEMCFD and Fluent in batch mode. Snapshots, graphs etc from fluent can be included as results files for post processing. Details on post processing can be found in CAESES tutorials " getting started". You can have a look. Suggestions are welcome. Best regards, Richard "N.B: CAESES is one of the most powerful softwares for tight integration with CFD softwares for DoE and Optimization. All you need to know is to understand how your External CFD software handles its files to know exactly which input and result files to use. it must also have the capability of running in batch mode." Project1_elbow.fdbc
  16. Hi together, CAESES can be used for designing a variety of turbomachinery and engine components (impellers, volutes, ducts, axial blades,...). I have attached some pictures and animations, just to give you an idea of the applications. There is also a page about the turbomachinery industry on the CAESES website. Check out the blog where turbomachinery design stories get posted on a regular basis (most of the attached pictures are taken from these blog posts). The focus of CAESES is: Fast and efficient design studies and CFD-driven shape optimization. The robust variation (manual/automated) of turbomachinery components is really the interesting part in CAESES. The geometry models are typically highly customized, i.e., company-specific know-how can be fully integrated. There is an internal scripting environment to define custom methods and processes. Complex parametric models can be wrapped into an easy-to-use interface (so that they can be readily used by non-experts of CAESES). Parametric support geometry such as segments for the flow and structural analysis can be part of the model, too. As a side note, you can optionally plug-in your CFD tool and run optimizations right away - from within the CAESES GUI. There are integrated optimization methods and some handy post-processing capabilities. Alternatively, you can use your own optimization tools and run CAESES in batch mode. There are free academic versions of the CAESES pro edition for students and PhD students, as well as trial licenses with flexible time frames. There are also special editions for small companies, start-ups and freelancers. Hope this helps, Joerg LAST UPDATE FEBRUARY 2018
  17. Hello, here is an example of a central mixer for process engineering purposes. An example were such mixers are used, shows following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAjX1bcT3Z0. Mixers in the process industry are mostly highly energy intense to achieve the goal of homogenization, suspension or for example emulsification. Therefore the optimization of the shape and position of the mixer should be considered in the planning of the plant. With CAESES/FFW it is possible to adapt a model to a huge variety of mixer shapes, to optimize the mixer for a specific goal via coupling to a CFD software like STAR-CCM+. This model can be varied between following shapes: Propeller mixer, disc-mixer, oblique blade mixer and even skew, rake and camber can be applied to the blade. With the help of the powerful optimization engines of FFW the best design for your specific mixing application can be found. Transient CFD calculations can be very time intense. That is why in the first step of the optimization process only one blade of the mixer is calculated in an "open water" surrounding. In most mixing applications the thrust is the most important parameter to get a good and fast mixing result. For this reason the objective of this calculation is to get the maximal thrust with a low moment. If you are interested of how to connect STAR-CCM+ to CAESES/FFW then please find attached the documentation and all the necessary files. To start a calculation do following: drag and drop the STAR-CCM+ SIM file to the Input Files section of the SoftwareConnectorspecify your STAR-CCM+ license options in the Arguments section of the Calculationspecify the path of the executable of STAR-CCM+ in Local Execution Settings Best regards Carsten Fütterer docu_mixer_software_connection.pdf blade_root.sim.tar.gz mixer.fdb
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