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  1. Hi together, There have been several questions about impeller and pump design with CAESES which is the reason for putting together the following brief summary: CAESES is used by several major pump makers (KSB, Ebara, Grundfos, DMW), mostly in the context of impeller and volute/casing optimization. In the context of turbocharger design, CAESES is used by e.g. MTU (large Diesel engines) for compressor and turbine optimization. There are free academic versions of the CAESES pro edition for students and PhD students as well as trial licenses, plus special editions for small companies, start-ups and freelancers. COMPARISON TO OTHER TOOLS Compared to other design tools on the market, CAESES focuses on automated design studies with your simulation tools. In most cases, there is already some sort of a baseline design that needs further optimization. Based on this design, a parametric CAESES model is created and automated. The possibilities for customization and shape fine-tuning are massive, so that specialized (company-specific) design processes can be completely defined in CAESES. No black box models etc. This is one important key issue, i.e., flexibility and full customization - besides the fact of having a 100% robust variable geometry for automated processes. IMPELLER BLADES There is functionality for creating parametric impeller blades (meridional contour definition, mapping from 2D onto 3D stream surfaces), which can also include analysis and optimization of the channel areas etc. See the turbomachinery section for more details. A water pump is described in this blog post. Any type of impeller can be parameterized, including complex shapes such as turbine scallops. VOLUTES Here is an overview with some animations. Basically, CAESES focuses on robust modeling of any volute type (in particular: turbochargers, pumps). Design constraints can also be built into the model, as well as typical controls (A/R distribution etc). The more complex your volute is, and the more problems you have to create new design candidates (automated), the more you should consider trying out CAESES. CFD AUTOMATION CAESES users also integrate their CFD and preliminary design tools. With this, a new design candidate can immediately be analyzed, directly within the CAESES GUI. Any open source, in-house or commercial tool can be coupled. You just need a batch mode for these tools. Excel sheets can also be accessed. For CFD analysis, the flow domain can be directly derived from the parametric impeller geometry. There is a CAESES ACT app available, to integrate CAESES into the ANSYS Workbench and to run optimizations with e.g. OptiSLang. MORE MATERIAL I recommend to browse through this page. Please find also attached a related presentation from the FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS Users' Meeting 2013. I also added some related pics and animations. Unfortunately, it is not that easy to show more material since most data is confidential. Anyway, I hope this post helps a bit in terms of a quick overview. Cheers Joerg LAST UPDATE JULY 2019 UM2013-07-klemm-diffuser-design-for-multistage-pumps-with-FFW.pdf
  2. Hi together, CAESES can be used for designing a variety of turbomachinery and engine components (impellers, volutes, ducts, axial blades,...). I have attached some pictures and animations, just to give you an idea of the applications. There is also a page about the turbomachinery industry on the CAESES website. Check out the blog where turbomachinery design stories get posted on a regular basis (most of the attached pictures are taken from these blog posts). The focus of CAESES is: Fast and efficient design studies and CFD-driven shape optimization. The robust variation (manual/automated) of turbomachinery components is really the interesting part in CAESES. The geometry models are typically highly customized, i.e., company-specific know-how can be fully integrated. There is an internal scripting environment to define custom methods and processes. Complex parametric models can be wrapped into an easy-to-use interface (so that they can be readily used by non-experts of CAESES). Parametric support geometry such as segments for the flow and structural analysis can be part of the model, too. As a side note, you can optionally plug-in your CFD tool and run optimizations right away - from within the CAESES GUI. There are integrated optimization methods and some handy post-processing capabilities. Alternatively, you can use your own optimization tools and run CAESES in batch mode. There are free academic versions of the CAESES pro edition for students and PhD students, as well as trial licenses with flexible time frames. There are also special editions for small companies, start-ups and freelancers. Hope this helps, Joerg LAST UPDATE FEBRUARY 2018
  3. Hi together, With CAESES, we also focus on the design and optimization of volute geometries. There is a volute section on the CAESES website. Students and PhD students can get a free academic edition of the pro version - the product page gives more information about this. Basically, the software allows you to create robust parametric volute designs for manual/automated design explorations and shape optimization with CFD. In most cases, the volutes in CAESES are tailor-made models, i.e. you can fully customize the geometry design: Arbitrary parametric cross-section definitions, e.g. based on your area (A) and center of area (=>R) specificationsUse of point data for creating a volute surfaceUser-defined A/R functions (bsplines, mathematical functions)Individual tongue modeling with additional parameters for more detailed design studies and fine-tuningAnalysis and control of inlet/outlet area distributions. Usually, our CAESES support team helps you in setting up customized models, either through the helpdesk or, for more complex models and a quick solution, by means of a customer project. See the attachments for some pictures and animations (e.g. the A/R function gets varied as well as the tongue shape). Cheers Joerg LAST UPDATE: FEBRUARY 2017
  4. How to determine a spiral volute casing (turbocharger, pump) cross sectional decrease in value? I am trying to design a volute casing. Problem is, I don't know how much its cross sectional area decreases over time. For instance starting cross sectional area (0 degrees) is 100 cm^2, what will it be when it reaches 45, 90 degrees and so on? Is there any way to calculate it? I am sure that knowing starting and finishing cross sectional areas size (btw I know them) and just connecting them isn't a correct way.
  5. Hi All, Please try out this parametric CAESES model of a volute for a blower. The basic shape is controlled by a function (red) to control the offset of the outer shape from the inner circle. If you switch off the visibility of the trimesh (named volute, click on its icon in the object tree) you can see the surface topology behind it. If you are a bit experienced, such a model is set up in 15 min from scratch. Have fun!volute1.fdb
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