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Mr. Carsten Fuetterer

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Mr. Carsten Fuetterer last won the day on February 12 2021

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About Mr. Carsten Fuetterer

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  1. Hi Pay, this is hard to say, without seeing the model. In general we always recommend to model in millimeter, because this will increase numerical accuracy, which also could lead to more stable fillets. Best regards Carsten
  2. Hi, I think you need to provide the full path to the sim file. You can do this by using with the command getInputDir()/intake_optimization_0.762.sim. best Regards Carsten
  3. Hi Rohan, yes this is possible. You can create a shortest distance line: Best regards Carsten
  4. Hi Gabriel, problem is that you have a three sides face. So you need to collaps one edge. You can try to model the edge with a certain length and then use the a lofted surface with rails: in the second step you can collaps the three points at the edge: Hope that helps Carsten
  5. Dear Sokykang, Do you want to subtract the hull from a block inside CAESES or STAR-CCM+? best regards Carsten
  6. and befor the power command: "starccm+ -batch setup.java -cpubind -rsh ssh -np 7 -power " + getResultsDir() + "\R-FrontWing_2d_CFD.sim"
  7. Hi Mingi, can you try to put a space after the power command? "starccm+ -batch setup.java -cpubind -rsh ssh -np 7-power " + getResultsDir() + "\R-FrontWing_2d_CFD.sim" cheers Carsten
  8. Hi Roopesh, find attached the sample model. best regards Carsten pistonbowl.fdb
  9. hmm does it help when you remove the complete friendship folder in %APPDATA%? best regards Carsten
  10. strange, then you should be able to create a new 3D window here best regards Carsten
  11. Hi Claudio, can you close CAESES and then please go to %APPDATA%/friendship and delete the etc folder. After that the problem should be fixed. best regards Carsten
  12. Hi, if you want to read data from text or csv files it's fairly simple to do it in a feature definition. We use a simple file like this: To start we create a new feature definition: In the "create function" tab, we can use the code templates to create a basic control structure: The variable "FilePath" is not defined and has to be supplied with an argument. In this case I want the object "file" as an argument. So I comment the first line from the feature and create an new argument: The feature code looks like this: You can see that a string is create for each line of the file. So now we have to split this string in order to access the double values. Therefor I use the split command, which has the output of an objectlist. Then I create a point, which accesses each value of that object list: Now we have to store the points for each line inside an extra objectlist.Therefor we create a new list and add the point: Finally we create fore example an bsplinecurve, with the new list of points. Additionally encapsulated the while loop into a persistent section in order to visualize the points for each loop. Otherwise we would just see the last point. Now we create the feature from the feature definition: We set the path to the reference file: This nice dialog only appeared, because we didn't allow expressions for the argument inside the feature definition: The final curve: I hope this helps you to create you own custom file reader. best regards Carsten readTextFile.fdb data.zip
  13. Hi guys, today I want to share with you my latest feature which creates a bounding box for your OpenFoam internal flow geometry. The idea came, when I struggled with SnappyHexMesh because the edges of the boundaries where not captured correctly, which resulted in a bad prismlayer mesh like this: (image 1) I found out that the reason for this, was the bounding box, where the inlet and outlet boundary do not lay within the first layer of the box like this: (image 2) So I created I bounding box which automatically adjusts with the changing geometry. It calculates the maximum and minimum positions and creates the bounding box with a user specified offset. A nice setup looks like this: (image 3) This setup produces a nice volume mesh with clean prism layers: (image 4) The complete bounding box, where the subdivision in x, y and z coordinates can be specified, looks like this: (image 5) The following picture shows how to connect the BlockMeshDict with the bounding box feature: (image 6)Remember that you have to create an entry for the vertices by selecting these, right click and select new entry: (image 7) This creates a new entry in your config dialog. There you have to change the type to FString: (image 8)Do the same for the line where the blocks are defined (see image 6).Now you have create a new entry for the point in mesh, which you can find in your SnappyHexMeshDict. Follow the same procedure, but just mark the three coordinate like this for a new entry:(image 9)That's it. This is just a first version of the feature. I could imagine to write another feature for the creation of the bounding box for external flows, where you could specify different patches within the BlockMeshDict. Of course you are also welcome to post your features here in the forum. Attached is the feature and an example how to use this feature with a complete software connector. This example by the way couples OpenFoam for Windows with CAESES. Have a nice day Carsten duct_win_forum.fdb OpenFoam_BoundingBox.fdf
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