I have three questions about CAESES、 workbench and propeller feature。
1、Import an existing STEP geometry in CAESES with units in meters and dimensions is 0.0046m=4.6mm, but when I import FSC into the workbench and opening it through SCDM, the size has changed to 0.0046mm. The size has been reduced by a thousand times.
How to correct it?
2、After importing geometry A into CAESES on the workbench platform, it is necessary to performExternal flow CFD analysis on A. Therefore, an external computational domain was created using SCDM in the A-3 module to form B. when the parameters of CAESES were modified, and the geometry in the A-3 module became C, but SCDM did not automatically create an external computational domain for it.
So my question is, if in the optimization process, it is necessary to automatically create external computational domains for parameterized geometry, what should be done?
3、A propeller was created using CAESES' propeller feature. Since CFD calculation requires a closed geometry。
how can the tail and tip of the blade be closed for CFD calculation?