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Hi friendship guys!I have some doubts about Blade Analysis for Propellers. 1.I have watched the Caeses4.2.2 instructional video on this function. Is this function improved in 5.2.3? 2.After the STEP is imported into Caeses, the surface type is FBreppart. This caused the Feature fail to analyze.How to create type FBreppart as type NURBS Surface? 3.I noticed in the tutorial that the propeller is divided into suction side and pressure side. How to divide it in caeses? Thank you for your reply!
Hi, in some cases it is hard to get the exact position of the leading edge of a NACA profile, because the t-parameter (curve parameter) is not at 0.5 anymore. That is why I wrote a small feature which finds the t-parameter for the point which has the longest distance to the trailing edge. Furthermore I included a few lines in the feature to measure the elapsed time. This can be helpful to optimize your feature. (Thanks Stefan for this.) regards Carsten FindNacaStart.fdb FindProfileLeadingEdge.fdf
Hi, This is a post in the context of project performance: If you use loops with feature definitions, take care where you declare ("create") your participating objects: Most of the times, objects can be declared outside of the loop since the dependency is kept within the loop by means of the expression mechanism! In the attached example, I create N curves in between of two given rail curves and store them in a list for surface creation. The two points on the corresponding rails are declared right before the loop starts. You could also declare them within the loop but - and here comes the message - they would be created again and again, i.e. at each iteration (N-times). In the end, this might slow down your feature execution when it comes to a higher number of objects that get declared within a loop. Hope this helps ... Cheers Joerg loop.fdb
Dear CAESES-users, Here is an easy and essential introduction to Feature Definitions, just check out this video. Feature Definitions are encapsulated command sequences which greatly help to fully customize the software to your needs (e.g. define your own curve types, proprietary import & export routines or any other function with user-defined input and output). This video is also an excellent prerequisite for a better understanding of more complex CAESES geometry models, which usually make extensive use of Feature Definitions in the context of Meta Surfaces Cheers Joerg
- 1 reply
- feature
- definition
- (and 8 more)
Hey, There is a video available with regard to Propeller Design. The video shows how to create a parametric 2D profile definition in a few steps. This profile defintion will be connected to the blade object. The parametric profile is created with two Fsplines and an offset curve with some parameters which can be used in a variation or an optimization. Best Regards Karsten
- 2d profile
- change profile definition
(and 3 more)
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Hey, If you have been to our Users Meeting 2013 in Berlin in the mid of October you have seen my presentation: Intersecting surface in parametric models: Subsurface modeling. The presentation will be available on our website within the next days. This is the live demo project file. It is sorted with multiple numbered scopes. This sorting is helping you to understand the order of creation and makes it easier to reuse it in your own projects. Subsurface: It is the trimming/cutting functionality in CAESES-FFW.Creates a new surface on the basis of an existing parent surface.CAESES-FFW provides some Feature Definitions which will help you creating subsurfaces. Here you can find them: Menu -> Features -> Surfaces -> subsurface or in the CAD Menu next to the object Sub Surface If you have any questions to subsurface modeling please don't hesitate to post them here or contact me. Best regards Karsten UM2013_SubsurfaceModeling.fdb
Hi, for some of the everyday problems of a CAE-Modeler CAESES® / FRIENDSHIP-Framework provides many useful feature definitions. You can find all feature definitions which are shipped with CAESES® / FRIENDSHIP-Framework in the "Features" tab. You can find those of the features which are related to CAD objects like points, curves, surfaces etc. in the "CAD" tab, too. A general overview of the features can be found in the Documentation Browser in the "Features" tab. Just as an example: You want to close the end of a pipe with a lid. Instead of spending your time with modeling a lid surface by your own you can use the feature "Lid for closed surface edge" (Features > Surfaces > Misc > Lid for closed surface edge). Of course it is possible to edit a feature definition to extend the functionality to your needs. After changing the feature definition you can export it to your user directory to have it accessible in other projects as well. To get access to it: "Features > In User Directory". Cheers Matthias
Hi, Please find attached a feature definition that you can use for exporting blades into the geomturbo file format. Note that this export will be included in one of the next CAESES releases (menu > feature definitions > tools). If you need it right now: Just put the definition into the feature user directory (e.g. C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\friendship\features) to directly access it through the menu in CAESES. Cheers Joerg PS: Check also this related post for importing geomturbo files, as well as our company blog post about this topic. GeomTurboExport.fdf
Hi, if you want to read data from text or csv files it's fairly simple to do it in a feature definition. We use a simple file like this: To start we create a new feature definition: In the "create function" tab, we can use the code templates to create a basic control structure: The variable "FilePath" is not defined and has to be supplied with an argument. In this case I want the object "file" as an argument. So I comment the first line from the feature and create an new argument: The feature code looks like this: You can see that a string is create for each line of the file. So now we have to split this string in order to access the double values. Therefor I use the split command, which has the output of an objectlist. Then I create a point, which accesses each value of that object list: Now we have to store the points for each line inside an extra objectlist.Therefor we create a new list and add the point: Finally we create fore example an bsplinecurve, with the new list of points. Additionally encapsulated the while loop into a persistent section in order to visualize the points for each loop. Otherwise we would just see the last point. Now we create the feature from the feature definition: We set the path to the reference file: This nice dialog only appeared, because we didn't allow expressions for the argument inside the feature definition: The final curve: I hope this helps you to create you own custom file reader. best regards Carsten readTextFile.fdb
When you select code in a feature definition, you can choose to create a reusable code snippet . This snippet can then be edited and accessed for re-use through the menu of the definition editor .
Hi, I need to create a feature to export some sections of the hull form with a certain number of points. The ideal would be to import the GroupSection created outside the Feature and then process the sections and create the points that i need. I try to do this but i am not able to import the groupSection to the feature and then export to an ASCII file. Is there any way to do it? The other possibility that i tough was to generate the sections inside the feature by intersection of surfaces and then dealing with the creation of the points. The problem is that the hull form is a group of different sections and i am not able to import them to the feature and to intersect them. Is there any way to do it? Thank you soo much for the help Filipa Sanches
A Christmas present: Effective FPL
Mr. Arne Bergmann posted a blog entry in Mr. Arne Bergmann's Blog
Wow, has it been that long since my last entry? Well, I have a very short one with a big attachment. I always wanted to write something about "best practices" for Feature programming. That "something" became larger and larger and it became pretty clear that it's too large for a "regular" blog post. That's why I decided to create a PDF file, instead. In the end it turns out to be a 37 page booklet instead of an article. I compiled some techniques that I consider to be the most effective for creating Feature definitions with good performance. So, please take a look at "Effective FPL" and let me know what you think about it in the comments. Merry Christmas and a good start into 2016!