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Found 2 results

  1. Hi together, Here is a brief description if you would like to remove absolute paths from input files, e.g. because the path should change depending on the current design directory. Please have a look at the attached screenshots. Consider a simple input file which contains a path to another file, and I want this path to be the current design directory during an optimization. Add this file as input file at the software connector and make a double-click on it in order to edit it. Add a new entry for the absolute path. Change the entry type to FString . Use the command getDesignDir() in combination with your file name. Show a quick preview of your new entry. Here is the preview: That's it. Cheers Joerg
  2. Hi, if you want to read data from text or csv files it's fairly simple to do it in a feature definition. We use a simple file like this: To start we create a new feature definition: In the "create function" tab, we can use the code templates to create a basic control structure: The variable "FilePath" is not defined and has to be supplied with an argument. In this case I want the object "file" as an argument. So I comment the first line from the feature and create an new argument: The feature code looks like this: You can see that a string is create for each line of the file. So now we have to split this string in order to access the double values. Therefor I use the split command, which has the output of an objectlist. Then I create a point, which accesses each value of that object list: Now we have to store the points for each line inside an extra objectlist.Therefor we create a new list and add the point: Finally we create fore example an bsplinecurve, with the new list of points. Additionally encapsulated the while loop into a persistent section in order to visualize the points for each loop. Otherwise we would just see the last point. Now we create the feature from the feature definition: We set the path to the reference file: This nice dialog only appeared, because we didn't allow expressions for the argument inside the feature definition: The final curve: I hope this helps you to create you own custom file reader. best regards Carsten readTextFile.fdb data.zip
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