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Hello everybody,

A few suggestions for the future.


It would be great to be able to define weights in the (ship) model: position and weight values of engines, hulll thickness, and others. Specially for the hydrostatic analysis.

Improve the connectivity to OpenFOAM. I understand the "connection" file is up to me to prepare, but I couldn't finish succesfully the tutorials with the included connection...

It would be great to define structural frames in a automated way. (Maybe there is, and I haven't found it yet).


I would love if there was a more extensive manual to the program, or other learning resources. Searching through so many forum posts (through a google search with ads), some as far back as 2013, is really a task. And there's not always an answer. The forum is good for solving particular cases, and sharing the solutions, but to learn to use the different capabilities of the program I'd suggest something like a manual (somebody suggested an all-in-one resource), updated with every version.  The tutorials and videos are good too, but do not comprise all the software's capabilities.

Have a good day!



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Hi Xavier,


Thanks a lot for your feedback which is highly appreciated. Good input!


Hydrostatic analysis: CAESES is primarily a tool that helps you to setup and optimize the actual geometry. The focus has not really been on analysis and further preliminary design capabilities. This is the reason why there is only a rather simple hydrostatic calculation contained in CAESES. But I do understand your point and wish to have the analysis more detailed and comprehensive. So far, most of the users that need more sophisticated calculations have used CAESES in combination with other design tools that solve these tasks. But we'll discuss it further.


Learning resources: This is also something high up on our list, and we take your wish as an additional trigger for this topic. BTW: We used to have a thorough tutorial (PDF with many pages) years ago but we had issues to maintain it. Mainly, because we were developing too fast and changing our user interface too much - which then requires a complete and expensive update of the documentation for each release. Of course, these things can be partly automated, but we have not found a solution so far that satisfies all our own wishes and requirements. Anyway, it is on our list.


Cheers, and thanks again :-)


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