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Mr. Xavier Arosemena

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About Mr. Xavier Arosemena

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  1. Hello everybody, About the hydrostatics calculation: Is there a way to define weights of the ship? I mean the material of the hull, its thickness, the position and weight values of engines, etc... What's the correct way to approach this? Cheers, Xavier
  2. Hello everybody! I have a few days on the openfoam connection, and searching through the forum about it. I'm trying to follow the "Sduct with OpenFOAM" tutorial, to get a grasp of it. I got to the step 10 (triggering the first run). The "stdouterroroutput.redirect" file states the error: "fileName::stripInvalid() called for invalid fileName complete/path/to/Runner For debug level (= 2) > 1 this is considered fatal". This goes for: Exec : blockMesh -dict system/blockMeshDict Exec : snappyHexMesh -overwrite Exec : simpleFoam But in none of these files is there a filename specified, so I got no idea what's happening. Other question: The tutorials and video talk of these "software connector" that has been configured before, is there a tutorial to learn to configure this file? Should I install Helyx-os for handling these files? Or I can do that from CAESES? Cheers, and thanks for your time. Xavier
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