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Carl Benz

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Everything posted by Carl Benz

  1. Hello Yasin, As you asked at the helpdesk as well - here the answer public for everyone. Sometimes it can happen, that the license stuck on a PC/Node. For this case, you can release the license on your own: Best, Carl
  2. Hi Yuvrai, The sobol you would like to run, needs to be called in the fsc script as well. Insert below the exports |<NameOfDesignEngine>.run() , e.g. |sobol1.run() . If you use the auto generation of fsc scripts in CAESES only the current state of the project will be implemented (1st open project file, 2nd set design variables). All actions you want to be done additionally you need to add into the script manually. But the lines added in the fsc are only called once. So if you want to export each design geometry of a design engine you need to use a software connector instead. best, Carl
  3. Hi CJ, the Brep-Operation "faces from planar curves" is not working, if the source curve is not planar. If you close the deck edge without extrusion the source curve can be seen as planar within the given tolerance. If you extrude to y=0 it will simply add a line parallel to the y axis at the start and end point. You get a non-planar loop. You could try closing the deck by using the operation "extrude edges to plane": Best, Carl
  4. Hi Carlos, Sorry, for the late response. There are two documents available at the installation folder at CAESES5\tools\sshResourceManager\doc. The admin guide for installation and administration and the quick guide for setting up your ressources. Best, Carl
  5. Hi Carlos, In principle you are right. The SSH Resource Manager is part of the "entire functionality of CAESES". However, due to the low demand and the current revision of that piece of software, we only grant access on request. So please write your demand via email at license@friendship-systems.com with a short explanation on what you want to achieve with it. And please remind: "CAESESĀ® must be installed on a personal PC/notebook rather than on University computers." "By granting you this free license we expect you to send us a summary report of the work that you have accomplished with CAESESĀ® or a PDF copy of your thesis if applicable." Best, Carl
  6. Hi CJ, from visual diagnostic, it looks like a misplaced point - maybe a sign error or a bad dependency? Actually It depends on how you set up the keel line, especially the point or curve, which is going crazy. You can take a deeper look at the faulty design(s) by double clicking on it at the Result Table, or below the Object Tree at the Optimize workspace. BUT only apply changes the baseline design - every change you make inside an other design than the baseline, will not be considered for further design engines - these are always based on the baseline. But you can try out solutions by unlocking the design -> Search for your keel line and its sources. You can check the dependencies of the problematic curve. Right click on the object inside the Object Tree and select "Show Dependencies" - at the upper left corner of the Dependencies window you can switch "Show Clients" or "Show Supplier". Hope that helps, Best, Carl
  7. Hi, I moved your question here, because it is more related to this topic. You have two possibilities to change the domain: A: Add an Operation to your surface (Operation -> More -> Domain) B: Create an ImageSurface of your NURBS surface. To reverse the direction, simply change from [0,1] to [1,0]. You can also swap the domain (u->v / v->u). But be careful with to order of doing it. Cheers, Carl
  8. Hi Carlos, you get the message about not influenced evaluations, because you called a sobol to minimize the parameter eval_rt. As a sobol is only a randomized design engine and no optimization algorithm, the message is true and informing. If you click "Yes", it will simply run the sobol. If you don't want to get this message you have to set the objective to "observer" (default). I can't reproduce your simulation, because of the .sim file, which is only referenced and not attached in your project. But the reference itself is not set correctly. If you want to call the .sim file for each design inside the results directory (as you set in the argument section of you computation) you simply need to empty the string of the "Save directory". Then CAESES copies the file from "Filename"-location to "Save directory" which is always relative to the design folder. PS: To test, if a software connection has all inputs (referenced or edited files) needed to be ready for any design engine, it is helpful to delete the "manual_results/baseline/<connection>" folder (or make a backup if you think you need it) and let CAESES do the job. If any file is missing (or wrong referenced), you will notice. Best, Carl
  9. Hi Carlos, Yes. A student license includes the complete functionality of CAESES. See https://www.caeses.com/products/caeses/editions/#students . Cheers, Carl
  10. Hi Carlos, please use a personal message (click on my profile -> message). Out of your last question about starting CAESES in Baseline or in designOfExperiments I assume, that you made a lot of work not with the baseline design. For CAESES each design is its own instance, and they are not connected with each other. So if you doubleclick on a design from a design engine the name of the design on top of the objecteditor gets a green background with a (by default) closed lock. For sure you can make some changes by unlocking the design, but as I said already it will not infect the baseline design. As any design engine starts from the baseline design, this might be the cause for the original issue you reported. If you want to continue working on a specific design from a design engine, you need to make it the baseline-design first: Go inside the design you want to make baseline (doubleclick -> green bar) and "Save Current Design As" a new clean project (without results from the previous design engines). I hope this helps. Best, Carl
  11. Hi Carlos, could you share your projectfile, please? I'll have a deeper look.
  12. Hi Junwei, It is not possible to simply update a result pool after changing anything of the baseline model, because it is not comparable to existing designs anymore. That is why you need to run the Design Engines again. But there is a difference between "Optimization Methods" and "Design Space Exploration". Especially using the sobol is very much what you want. If the setup of the sobol does not change (using the same design variables with the same starting values within the same bounds) you will receive the same "randomised" designs space even if the baseline model was changed. This is not possible for any Optimization Method. Best, Carl
  13. Hi Carlos, Please make sure, that you have created an evaluation parameter which takes a value from a result file (@ 5:00 of the video tutorial) and make sure that you have set this parameter as an evaluation in the sobol settings (@6:54). If the parameter has a fix value and no reference like: Runner.getResults().getTable("cd.csv").getElementAt("cd") you may get the Message "There are evaluations that are not influenced by any design variable.". CAESES checks every dependency before running software-connections in an optimization algorithm. It is to save resources. If there is no reference to any value from a resulting file of a software-connection, this application will not be executed. Best, Carl
  14. Hi Jack, Yes you can. See the CAESES-Help "Features -> File I/O" how to write and read any ASCII-File. How to read and build nurbssurfaces within a featuredefinition, search for the help-page of the "FNurbsSurface" object. There you will find all functions according to the object. The set of functions inherited by "Fpointbasedsurface" will give you all you need. Best, Carl PS: the files from Karsten are created for CAESES4.
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