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Mr. hamid reza

command line

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Hi everyone


I am a beginner in modeling with CEASES , I need to know, is there the ability of using the commands in the command line, for example for getting the position and distance of the points or etc ?

if there is , where can I find the commands and their applications ?


thanks in advance 



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Hey Hamid,


yes, you can do all that using either the console or even inside geometry objects to create dependencies. It is possible to access and use the objects properties and already predefined functions which we find useful in CAD modelling.


First of all, how to find properties and predefined functions of objects:


  1. Go to the Documentation Browser and navigate to References -> Types. There you will find and overview of all the objects you can create in CAESES. Looking up e.g. CAD -> Points -> F3DPoint will provide a short description of the object (not really exciting for a point) and a list of all properties and functions you have access to.
  2. When creating an object like a point you can get direct access to the object documentation by clicking the small type icon in the Object Editor. post-45-0-72162600-1445781257_thumb.png
  3. After selecting an object (let's say a curve) you can put your cursor into the console, type "." and use the auto-completion short cut "CTRL + SPACE" to see an overview of all possible commands related to that object. When selecting one of the functions you can move your cursor into the brackets and use "CTRL + SPACE" again to get information about the necessary input. post-45-0-41179700-1445782517_thumb.png

As CAESES is much more than only a CAD Modeller the above mentioned features apply to all objects such as Parameters, Contraints, Design Engines and so on.


Furthermore CAESES comes with mathematical operations, such as sin, cos, tan ... which you can use to do whatever is necessary. You can find these operations in the Documentation Browser in Global Commands.


Attached is a very simple project which shows you how to deal with the operations.


If you have more question please post it.






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Hey Hamid,


the command line should be:


and not


because the is in the scope "others".


I have attached the project with a point which uses the correct fv command and a screenshot.



is you select the line in the object tree you can type:


The command will be applied on the selection.


You do not have to add the additional arguments 0 and 1 because they have default values set.

The = sign in the tooltip indicates that these arguments are optional.


Hope this solves your problem.






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