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CJ Coll

Sobol Specific Variants

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If I have run the initial simulation through CAESES and now I want to run it through the Sobol analysis but I only want to analyse, say, designs 0,8,11,15,19. How can I specify this before CAESES runs all 20 variants through StarCCM, which would take far too long?


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Hi CJ,

this question is a bit unusual. Maybe if you explain why you want only specific variants out of a Sobol I can try and come up with a better way to approach your problem.

Technically though: you can select specific variants, export them as csv from the table and then use a Design Assembler (which allows to import said csv again).


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For example, when I run the Sobol without my CFD evaluations, it gives me 20 variants but a lot of them do not meet my constraints.



Then when I hide violated designs, it narrows down to 6 designs, these are the ones I would like to run through CFD. Is there a way to exclude the violated designs from the CFD evaluations, as running 20 sims will take significantly more than 6. 


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