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Nuttarat Vichanphruek

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Everything posted by Nuttarat Vichanphruek

  1. Hi, I have a project to run the simulation on cluster. I set up everything correctly from STAR CCM+ and follow your tutorial perfectly, so I can run the simulation on CAESES via software connection tool on the normal computer. By the way, when I try to run this again on cluster, it does not work. I do not know what is problem. I would appreciate a lot if you anyone can suggest. This is my argument for executing: "starccm+ -batch -podkey I*******w -licpath 1999@flex.cd-adapco.com setup.java intake_optimization_0.762.sim" intake_optimization_0.762.sim is my simulation file name. After running, the file viewer shows this: Error: /software/sse/manual/star-ccm+/2021.3/16.06.008-R8/STAR-CCM+16.06.008-R8/star/bin/starccm+: Unknown option: intake_optimization_0.762.sim.
  2. Hello, Lately, I’ve been trying to run CAESES coupled with StarCCM+ in batch mode for Linux. Checking previous discussions, is it possible to reactivate again for downloading the zip file with the example on how to run CAESES in batch mode? and if you have suggestion please feel free to tell me Thanks in advance, Best, Nuttarat
  3. Hi, I try to generate the waterjet intake duct model. At this moment, I have done to generate the four boundaries, but I have a problem with surface generation. I try many ways such as gordon surface, loft, and coons, but they do not work well. For now, I decide to divide the surface into two parts including the fore part and aft part, then I use the meta surface to generate the fore surface part by fspline curve section, while for the aft part, I use loft and it seems good. However, there are two errors. First, the surfaces are not connected that well between fore and aft. Second, there is the discontinous curve and the end of the duct. Waterjet_intake_Diffuser.fdbc
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