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Mr. Ioannis Andreou

Generate .STL model

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Hello, I am new here and I have a question to ask about a ship hull. What could I do to generate a closed .stl from the ship's hull. Should I extrude the deck and the side of the hull through the extrude post-processing or should I design a side surface through the x-axis and then extrude the deck by the extrude post-processing? I would like to hear your proposal. 


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i would recommend you to create a surface for the deck. Then create a stl of this one side. Create an image trimesh of the that side and use a scaling transformation, that is set to [1,-1,1]. This will mirror your half onto the other side.

Then you can put both sides into a trimesh and you have the complete hull (should be watertight at that point). This will be good when you import it to the CFD, as your part will bigger than the domain and not cause trouble when you use e.g. subtractoin options.




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Just as an update to this topic:


With the breps objects in CAESES, you can simply make use of the provided operations. post-8-0-55888900-1509617980_thumb.png For instance, extrude edges to a plane or close planar curves etc. There is often no need to use additional trimesh objects, the brep tessellation can be controlled in a similar way by means of some user input (max 3D edge length, max accuracy etc). This allows you to generate closed STL data more quickly and with less objects. In addition, green edges indicate a closed edge which is a good visual help when setting up STL data.

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