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Mr. Claus Abt

Change or swap U and V directions of surfaces

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HI Folks,


If you would like to change the parametrization of a surface, e.g. to include a set of surfaces in a polySurface or to change the surface normal, CAESES offers a couple of function to achieve that.


For pointBasedSurfaces like nurbs and bsplineSurfaces you can simply select the surface and use one of the functions that are offered in the top bar of you user interface, see picture

post-20-0-07680600-1421236131_thumb.jpg and after clicking post-20-0-38442800-1421236152_thumb.jpg

For pointBased Surfaces this is rather simple, because the order of points can be rearranged. For other surfaces, e.g. metaSurfaces, surfacesOfRevolution or ruledSurfaces this is not possible. To solve this you can add an imagesurface based on the original surface and either change the domains, e.g. U=[1,0] rather than U=[0,1] if you want to change the direction, or toggle the swap option, see picture below.





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