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Good morning everyone:

I am using CAESES to perform a parametric propeller modelling for my Ph.D. Thesis (hydroacoustic optimization of marine propellers). I have tried to model the blade tip with the package "Propeller Tip" which fir a 1st iteration/training seems pretty convenient and robust.  However, it only applies it to a single blade. Does anyone know how can I apply the tip to the rest of the blades?


Thank you!!


Best regards:




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Hi Adrián,

Please find the updated project attached, with the tip applied to all blades.

I created a BRep of the blade and its tip, then added a feature named periodic_BRep and rotated the BRep accordingly.

I recommend checking out the propeller tutorial. You can find it by clicking Help in the sidebar (Step 1), then Samples in the upper ribbon (Step 2). Scroll down to find the propeller sample (inside the green rectangle).

More propeller tutorials will be available soon, which might be helpful for your PhD studies.

Best Regards,




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Use the Transform or Array feature in CAESES to create copies of your single blade. This allows you to replicate the geometry while maintaining links to the original parameters.
If your propeller has a specific number of blades (e.g., 3, 4, 5), you can set up an array transformation to position the copies correctly around the hub.


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