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Hi everyone.

I'm running an optimization using Sobol and nsga, my first question is: its possible that the first generation of nsga be the pool of results of sobol?

my other question is: how can configure the design engine just to create models that no violate the constraints

thank you, regards

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Hi Alexis,

Sobol+NSGA2: no, unfortunately you cannot re-use the Sobol as first generation of the NSGA2.

Constraints: Yes and no... If constraints are such that you can evaluate them before running the external computation (e.g. hard points limiting geometric freedom, geometric properties like cross sectional area, volume, etc.) you can set them at the software connector:


This way, no external computation will be run for infeasible designs.

If you specify them at the Design Engine, the external computation will run anyways. Sometimes, a mix of both makes sense...

Apart from that, in many cases it is possible to set up a geometric model in such a way that constraints are always fulfilled -- this is mostly a matter of clever parametrization and modeling but you can also make use of nested optimizations (e.g. to adjust a free variable automatically in order to fulfill a constraint).



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Thank you Heinrich.
And my last question is about this ''result pool window'',  i did not find documentation about. Still i understand that is for select  ''reference designs'' for the new optimization, or not?? im a little confused



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