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Surface Discrepancies on Hull

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Hello everyone,

Currently working on my thesis project for optimization of a planning craft (approx. 9m). I've modeled the hull of the craft with a MetaSurface and at about the center of the hull there are some surface discrepancies, which are becoming visually more clear while experimenting with some of the design variables. Could you please advise on the matter? Is this a visual issue, if no which are the process options in order to maintain the same magnitude of variation for the most of design variables?

Moreover, please advise on the optimization of the Parameters & Design Variables having in mind the planning craft principles. 




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@Mr. Claus Abt 

Thank you very much for your comment.

The initial generation method of MetaSurface was skinning, and still on some values of the design variables (mostly Bot angle 1 & Bot Curve Weight) there were some discrepancies, while the sections, waterlines and buttocks showed smooth transition. Do you know if this by any mean could be a visual issue and not an actual surface one?


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There is something, that seems to be related to the weight of the third point. But maybe it also comes from the curve intersetion point, there seems to be a discontinuity in the definition, see screenshot of control polygon. That is where the "folding" appears in the visualization. 


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