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Mr. Carsten Fuetterer

Save Images for GLPictureFrame and GLMaterial in project

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when using GLPictureFrames and GLMaterial, the default settings are, that images are referenced with a path to your system.

When the project is used on a different system, then the information to location of the images are missing, that is why it is a good idea to save the image in the project.

To do that, you have to

  • save the images in a documentation
  • right click on the image in the documentation and "save image adress"
  • use image adress as the path

You can do this for GLPictureFrame as well as for GLMaterial.

In generell GLMaterial can be used to give surfaces a customized textures and GLPictureFrame for example for Backgrounds.


Requires CAESES-FFW 3.0.16 or newer.










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