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I am currently using a non-commercial CAESES software for my ongoing project. However, I could not find the command on lofting.

Here's my question.

1. Is it because I am using a non-commercial CAESES?

2. Is there any other command/method that I can use that is similar to lofting?


Thank you in advance.

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Hi Christina,

if you are working with the latest (currently 5.0.6) version of CAESES, you should find lofted surfaces in the category of curve-based surfaces:


I am not aware that this is excluded from non-commercial packages. apart from lofting you might want to take a look at sweep surfaces or, if non of the "standards" works for your application dig into the topic of meta surfaces.


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Hi Christina,

you are looking at curves, not surfaces (both have a category "curve based"). On your screen it seems that surfaces are collapsed:


If you are on a small screen this is probably fine. Otherwise, you can change the font size by pressing ctrl and scrolling the mouse wheel.

Best regards,

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