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Manipulate Paths of Input Files

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Hi together,


Here is a brief description if you would like to remove absolute paths from input files, e.g. because the path should change depending on the current design directory. Please have a look at the attached screenshots.


Consider a simple input file which contains a path to another file, and I want this path to be the current design directory during an optimization. post-8-0-03958400-1378987246_thumb.png


Add this file as input file at the software connector and make a double-click on it in order to edit it. post-8-0-10461200-1378987365_thumb.png


Add a new entry for the absolute path. Change the entry type to FString post-8-0-11748300-1378987503_thumb.png.


Use the command 



in combination with your file name. post-8-0-05735200-1378987554_thumb.png

Show a quick preview of your new entry. post-8-0-63792200-1378987713_thumb.png


Here is the preview: post-8-0-77114700-1378987815_thumb.png



That's it.







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Another thing:


If you have an input file that gets copied by CAESES/FFW to the design directory automatically, you can also reference this file directly:




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