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Mr. Carsten Fuetterer

Software Connector - Guide to set an executable using an input file

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This guide will show you how you can connect OpenFOAM to CAESES-FFW or any other application.


Using the Software Connector, you need a executable of the Local Application. If you want to start this application with a  script, do following:

  1. create on your Desktop a text file with the execution command of your desired external application (OpenFOAM) and save as 'adder'
  2. add the script 'adder' to your Input Files in the Software Connector and 'double click' it, so that it is copied into the project and is converted to a Template
  3. click on computation (in the center of the Software Connector)
  4. create a new Local Application (using the green + symbol)
  5. define the Executable: write down the name of the Template 'adder' which you have imported in the Input Files
  6. run the Computation (click on the play button)
  7. check the result in the Task Monitor (on the right side shaded widget) and click the green button in the top left corner to show the finished computations


Attached is a little example which shows this. In this example the script adds the Argument of the computation (which is defined by the Variable pm1) to a defined Variable in the script (addend).





Best regards




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