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Found 5 results

  1. I want to execute DOE and optimization using CAESES in batch mode. I'm not sure how to write the .fsc file when each optimization uses different DOE results. For example, DOE1 -> OPTI1, DOE2 -> OPTI2. The variables and objectives are the same, and I want to observe the differences in results based on the number of DOEs and methods.
  2. Hello, I'm working on a project where Caeses is used to modify geometry parameters easily, but an external optimization script will generate new parameter inputs and Caeses will be used to generate the new geometry (e.g., new .stl files). To accomplish this, I have setup a case, exported a *.fsc script from it, modified a design variable in that script, and then executed it with "CAESES_crt.exe" to save the geometry as .stl files. Everything works perfectly and I am happy with this setup, but there is one thing I would like to improve upon. I would like to save the base filename for the modified .stl files generated after externally modifying the .fsc script. So for example, the scope from the project I am working in that I want to export has "mixerExported" as the base .stl file name (I am using "exportStlExtractColors" to extract a separate .stl file for each geometry partitioned into their respective colors), so the files generated are called "mixerExported_outletTopCyl.stl", etc. My question is: is it possible to change this base .stl file name in the .fsc script generated from the same project file? I do not need to generate separate project files, but rather I am looking to just modifying several design parameters and generate a new geometry for each of these modifications. Is it possible then to generate geometries from running the script and also changing the baseline filename they are saved from, just through modifying the .fsc file (and not the project file)? There are lines commented in the script file that specify a path, but it doesn't seem like they are being read: // CAESES Executable C:\Program Files (x86)\FRIENDSHIP-SYSTEMS\CAESES5\bin\win64\CAESES.exe // CAESES Project ~\CAESES\simple_test_geometry_export_demo\Simple_test_geometry_final_export.cdb // Design Name baseline // Project Units meters The outputs are saved in a folder created called "/manual_results/baseline/input". It would be great if there could be a way to generate a new folder called "/manual_results/mod1/input" etc. I'm not sure if this is something to be done just with the script, or if the project file does need to be modified, but I thought I would post it here for some advice or inputs from the experts. Thanks very much for your time! Best, Katherine
  3. hi it`s simple question. but i can`t found previous topic .. for example, I want to run 3 optimization with batch mode. how to i do...? which script i add in fsc file? thanks best regards MooSung batch_test.zip
  4. Hi, This is an example of integration with Pointwise and CAESES. First of all create a Glyph file by using Pointwise function "Script -> Begin to Journaling". Use your your Glyph file (e.g. roPaxLowerBulbScript.glf) as argument for the computation. The leading -b starts Pointwise in batch mode. Best regards, Takamichi Hiroi roPaxLowerBulb.fdb
  5. Hi everybody, I recently tried my hands on integrating CAESES with fluent and i think its worth sharing for those who work with fluent and will like to use CAESES parametric models. Please find attached a copy of my project file. its a simple meta-surface elbow i designed with an ellipse curve.Functions for the "width and "height" of the curve are defined. you can have a look at how parameters are set from function curves. I used ICEMCFD as my meshing tool and Fluent as CFD solver. specific files such as the *.rpl and *.jou were used as input files( checkout the attachments). Absolute paths should be changed to relative paths via "getdesigndir()...." (not all paths are necessary!). A *.bat file, RunFluent.bat, was used to run both ICEMCFD and Fluent in batch mode. Snapshots, graphs etc from fluent can be included as results files for post processing. Details on post processing can be found in CAESES tutorials " getting started". You can have a look. Suggestions are welcome. Best regards, Richard "N.B: CAESES is one of the most powerful softwares for tight integration with CFD softwares for DoE and Optimization. All you need to know is to understand how your External CFD software handles its files to know exactly which input and result files to use. it must also have the capability of running in batch mode." Project1_elbow.fdbc
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