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Mr. Matthew Wegener

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About Mr. Matthew Wegener

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  1. Hello all, I have created a parameterized 2d drawing of a 4 element wing profile. I am trying to export these as surfaces so that I can utilize the ANSYS plugin to do a 2d flow simulation. However, when I try to export the surface, the .fsc file loads fine, but it seems to have trouble attaching the geometry. Any help is appreciated. Thank you, Matt RW11RearWingProfile.fdbc
  2. Hello, I just finished creating the wing profile in the initial tutorial (FirstModelingSteps) and was trying to import it into Ansys Workbench to run a CFD simulation. I exported the project as an .fsc file as required by the add-in, but I am running into the following error: Update failed for the CAESES Geometry component in CAESES. User OnUpdate Callback Error:Local variable 'geoName' referenced before assignment. I have included the project file and a screenshot of the error message below. Could someone kindly point me in the right direction? Thanks! Matt FirstModelingSteps.fdbc
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