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Ceyhan Erdem

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Posts posted by Ceyhan Erdem

  1. Hi Sisi,

    I have sent you back your revised model. There were several errors in your setup. Also you did not even use the feature that I have provided  earlier.

    I will suggest you to go over the Workbench Connection Tutorial in detail and in case you are using 2D geometry, utilize the feature definition I have provided earlier.



  2. Hi Sisi,

    Glad that it worked. Please remember that due to changes in design, your BRep Edge numbers may change as well. Creating an inconsistency and hence failure to assign a color.

    You can use the attached simple Feature Definition where the user is expected to add the edges that will create the 2D geometry as input. Please assign the colors to the edges before adding to the list.

    The fature then will create a BRep using the provided edges and then assign those colors to the corresponding BRep edges.




  3. Hi SIsi,

    I will suggest you to use DesignModeler in case you have a 2D body with assigned colors to the BRep. However if you are using SpaceClaim, the procedure is more complex requiring you to use a Feaure created in Caeses. I still need to work on the SpaceClaim code to make it work with 2D boundaries.



  4. Hi Cui,

    Looks like you are using Caeses v4. Is there a specific reason for not to upgrade to Caeses v5?

    The reason should be due to some errors on one of your BReps.

    I believe you have obtained the Body geometry by revolving a profile, which may lead to some problems. Can you please trim the end profile a bit and then use "Close Planar Holes" operation, well not sure if it exists in Caeses v4, or use some other way so that it is not that pointed anymore.



  5. Hi Jake,

    Inside Workbench, if your geometry module is DesignModeler; open it and define the geometries as shared topology as usual.

    However if your geometry module is SpaceClaim; within the ACT App Properties Menu, you should find an entry only dedicated for SpaceClaim where you can assign the topology type.

    I will be back in the office end of September. We can have a web-meeting if you have any questions once I am back.



  6. Hi Jake,

    As mentioned before we have checked your license and you have the necessary rights to run Caeses in batch mode. Also since it is a free license, you are allowed to run up to two sessions of Caeses at the same time.

    In case your license is stuck you can visit our web-page "www.caeses.com" and through "Support" you can reach "Your Licenses". There you can release your license if needed.




  7. HI Memorise,

    When you use the command getSurface() in a BRep or let's say when you try to convert a BRep face into a surface type entity what you basically get is the underlying surface that is used to build the BRep. So it is not a wrong geometry that you are obtaining but your method is wrong.

    As I suggested you before, you have get more familiarity to Caeses by revising the tutorials.

    What I will suggest is creating a BRep, with the necessary BRep faces that you would like to use. So that you do not get the underlying surfaces but the exact faces that make up the BRep.



  8. Hi Jake,

    We have checked your license and normally you should not encounter any issues.

    While trying, can you please be sure that no more than two Caeses instances are open already? I don't think this is the cause and we should have received another error but let's be on the safe side. (Your free license should be supporting two Caeses instances only at the same time)

    Below you can find the link for the previous Caeses version; maybe you would like to give a try and let us know


    We believe this is an issue caused due to an intervention, as you have mentioned, maybe a firewall. I am unable to recreate the problem.



  9. Hi Carlos,

    Please check the StarCCM+ connection tutorial carefully.

    Once you add a file to the SoftwareConnector, it becomes linked to the Caeses Profject. However if you proceed by double clicking it and visualize its contents the file gets integrated within the Caeses project. For such big files like .sim, I will recommend you to keep it linked.

    Please revise the tutorial files.



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