Hello everyone, I am currently working on my thesis <Optimazation of a sailing catamaran> and I am using CAESES for the parametric model and SHIPFLOW for the potential solver. So far so good I managed to run shipflow without any errors. Now I would like to present my results of the wave pattern and more specifically I want to export the data points of a wave-cut curve. Concerning the shipflow manual there is a build-in configuration for wavecuts under XPAN commands. At first I tried to follow the shipflow manual ( with lwavec= [0.5] and dxwave= [0.01] ) but the result output file LWAVECUT was empty. I have produced the wave-cut curve at y/L=0.5 by using a PlaneCut in the free surface object. But I would like to have the data points of that 2d curve in order to compare it with that of the initial design and i can't really figure out how to. Could you please advice on how to proceed. Thank you in advance George Kavas National Technical University of Athens