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Mr. Simone Bigalli

Surface of revolution

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is it possible to create a surface of revolution that starts from a generatrix line and reaches another fixed line or surface? From the surface of revolution panel seems to be possibile to obtain a surface of revolution only starting by a genaritrix line and fixing the  start angle and end angle, is it?


Thank you.



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Hi Joerg,

you'll find attached some pictures to clarify my question.


I would like to achieve a surface of revolution from a generatrix line (figure Generatrix_Line) to a final line (figure Final_Line) using the revolution axis shown in figure Revolution_Axis. At the moment I achieve this surface fixing the start angle and the final angle (figure Surface_of_Revolution); I would like to know if is it possible to obtain the same result only defining the original line and the final one (without defining the start and the final angle). This approach could give me a better parametrization.


Thank you very much for your answer.






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What exactly is the problem with this "parameterization"? Just to get a better understanding again...

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Hi Jeorg,

the problem is due to the fact that, in my project, the final line is not fixed: therefore the end angle of my surface of revolution should be variable with the final line position.

In other words, at the moment I chose an end angle of the surface of revolution that allows reaching my final line but, when the final line changes, also the end angle has to change in order to obtain the desired surface of revolution. Moreover it is not possible to parametrize the end angle in order to follow the variations of the final line position.


If it would be possible to define a surface of revolution simply using the original and final line (without defining an end angle) the CAD should be more stable.


I'm not sure I was clear enough (I hope so). :-)


Thank you very much.



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Hi Simone,


Yeah I think I got your point. Thanks!


Unfortunately, I have no quick idea how to solve this specific case. Why can't you calculate the end angle (based on the dynamic location of the final line)? Probably there are other ways to approach this geometry setup, but I guess one would need to understand a bit more where you finally want to go with the model. 

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