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Mr. Claus Abt

ImageCurves as containers for arbitrary curves

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Normally ImageCurves are the basis for partially parametric modification and refer to a source curve, which will be transformed. Since the imageCurve can refer to any type of curve, it can also be utilized as a placeholder. E.g. if you define a profile section for use in a more complex surface model, using the imageCurve may have the advantage that a replacement at a later point in time can be done without any further modification. Just replace the source in the imageCurve and the surface model should pick up the new shape - also with a completely different set of parameters.

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This is my first question in the forum, let me first thank you for this wonderful software. And even more for giving it at no cost, I can't get any money for software at work.


I am having some difficulties with the Offset curve of an Image Curve. What is the direction of the offset when I choose one of the Offset Planes (X - (Y,Z), ...)? I don't understand the output and I haven't found the explanation in the documentation.





PS: I have just checked that my doubt is not related to Image curves, but to Curves in general.

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I have found that in my example the offset direction is that of T.crossProduct(A), being T the unit tangent vector to the source curve and A the unit normal to the plane in which the offset is to be done, i.e.

  • [1,0,0] for X - (Y,Z)
  • [0,1,0] for Y - (Z,X)
  • [0,0,1] for Z - (X,Y)

It has logic, and I understand it, but maybe the documentation could have been a bit more clear.



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