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Geometry not transfering to Ansys workbench

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I am atempting to load my caeses project into ansys workbench to carry out a parametric study however when I load in the .fsc file I get an error in command windows stating that the provided scope could not be found.

Aditionally if I attempt to generate an .fsc script straight from Caeses and run the very same script from inside the app, it crashes.

I am providing a very simple example of such script that alreadt throws errors. I would be happy to refer to the documentation, however I am unable to open it in the software (the button seems not to work for me).

Thank you very much for any possible aid.


test.fsc test.cdbc

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After tinkering around with WB and Caeses I have noticed that the .sat geometry is created under filename\manual_results\design\input however is not transfered to the geometry node in the workbench. If I create a new standalone geometry and maunally plug this input in, it loads it without any problem.

Manually assigining the location seems not correct. Do you know any cause of this problem?

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Hi TomasJ,

Can you please let me know where you got the ACT App?

Can you please use the one provided with the Caeses installation files?

You can find it under;

<Caeses Installation Folder>/CAESES5/etc/ansys

Your fsc file and setup seems to be fine. In my computers, after recreating the fsc file, it works flawlessly.

However a Caeses crash during fsc reading seems to be the main cause, hence no geometry file is created. I believe the geometry file inside the Input folder is not a contemporary one.

Can you please provide me the information of your operating system and Caeses version?



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Thank you for your reply. I am using the provided ACT app but I have also tried the one from WB app store as well as its older versions, none working. I am running the most recent caeses version as I have renstalled it yesterday in hopes of resolving the issue. The machine is running latest windows 11.

As to the issue in workbench. The .sat file is being created in proper location.

I have had some luck today to import the part correctly when I save my caeses project, export the .fsc file and make sure there have been no further changes (I believe that makes the project open in caeses standalone which interferes with ansys WB? So far I can import the part with colored faces but none are transfered as dedicated zone labels. This is something that I will have to look into.

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Hi TomasJ,

Sounds weird. In my case it is working fine.

Can you please provide your availability for a web-meeting?

You can write to erdem@friendship-systems.com



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Hello there!
I recently designed a blade geometry with a fluid domain, and want to import into ANSYS Workbench 2024R2.
I installed the ANSYS Extension in <Caeses Installation Folder>/CAESES5/etc/ansys

Workbench fails to read in the .fsc file and crashes.
I also tried running the .fsc file on a fresh instance of CAESES, and CAESES itself crashes.
Attached are the .fsc and .cbdc files in question. We'd like to resolve this issue, as this design will be used for optimization purposes.

Please let us know if anything additional is required.

On 5/24/2024 at 9:08 AM, TomasJ said:


The issue seemed to be SpaceClaim import options. Now everything works as expected.

Tomas, could you also elaborate the Space Claim import options that needed to be modified to resolve this issue?

Trial1.fsc Trial1.cdbc

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16 hours ago, Praveen said:

Hello there!
I recently designed a blade geometry with a fluid domain, and want to import into ANSYS Workbench 2024R2.
I installed the ANSYS Extension in <Caeses Installation Folder>/CAESES5/etc/ansys

Workbench fails to read in the .fsc file and crashes.
I also tried running the .fsc file on a fresh instance of CAESES, and CAESES itself crashes.
Attached are the .fsc and .cbdc files in question. We'd like to resolve this issue, as this design will be used for optimization purposes.

Please let us know if anything additional is required.

Tomas, could you also elaborate the Space Claim import options that needed to be modified to resolve this issue?

Trial1.fsc 2.91 kB · 0 downloads Trial1.cdbc 1.4 MB · 0 downloads

After downloading the 2024R2 extension for Workbench from Ceyhan, the CAESES geometry does upload into SpaceClaim.
The concern now is, the boundary Name selections do not appear in SpaceClaim groups.
I went ahead and re-did the coloring operations and BRep operations in the CAESES project, and then exported to a .sat file of just the BRep itself. Also, went ahead and over-wrote the existing .fsc file to be read into WB using the CAESES extension. Made sure to enable the 'Named Selection' filter during ANSYS Geometry import (named all boundaries using the NS filter so that ANSYS can read them in).
I've attached the CAESES project file pertaining to these operations.
What would be the best practice strategy to start coloring face and BRep boundary colors to mitigate this issue?




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Hi Praveen,

Please revise the tutorial for the ACT Connection. Within the mentioned document, it should clearly mention that, if SpaceClaim is your default geometry editor you beforehand have to open SpaceClaim and under options unselect the option "Use SpaceClaim Color Tones".

Once this little procedure is completed, you can create and start the ACT procedure.

Also, as mentioned within the tutorial, if SpaceClaim is your default geometry editor, please do not forget to assign a color to your BREp geometries. This will serve as named selection/s assigned to your domains.



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Thank you for your reply on this, Ceyhan!
Quick update:
Read through the Software Connector tutorial for SpaceClaim import. 
After following the steps, re-read the FSC file into the CAESES Geometry reader extension in WB 2024R2. 
SpaceClaim now shows Named Selections of face boundaries.
However, when assigning color to the volume, some of the face boundaries don't seem to import into SpaceClaim.

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Hi Praveen,

Do you still face the same problem? Is it possible that somehow mistakenly you have assigned the same domain color to a boundary?



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