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CJ Coll

Deck Creation

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I am trying to create a deck surface at the top of this fishing vessel hull. I have tried creating a brep surface from close planar open edges but it comes back with the geometry check error "Edgeuses not connected- Loopuse Edgeuses don't form a closed loop". I also tried to create a beep from faces from planar curves but it does not create any surface for the main part of the deck, it comes back with 'create faces failed' but if I go into the planar brep edges curve and deactivate the extrusion, it makes a surface then.

Can someone help me with an explanation for this? I have tried lessening the tolerances but that has not worked.



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Hi CJ,

the Brep-Operation "faces from planar curves" is not working, if the source curve is not planar. If you close the deck edge without extrusion the source curve can be seen as planar within the given tolerance. If you extrude to y=0 it will simply add a line parallel to the y axis at the start and end point. You get a non-planar loop.

You could try closing the deck by using the operation "extrude edges to plane":




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