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Mr. Soren Nielsen

free web float slots

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When I try to start up the software, I get this message: Currently no free web float slots available".

What does it mean? The software shuts down and I'm left a bit puzzled.

The installation and registrationproces went fine, so that should not be the problem.

Can you help?


kind regards


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Hi Mr. Lorentz,


I have the same problems...  "no free web float slots" and no entry in "license state".


Where can I get the "License ID"?  I'm a student and would like to use the student version.



Siegfried Wagner

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Dear Mr. Lorentz,


same issue when I start CAESES.

I installed CAESES 3.0.13 without a problem last year

and it was possible to upgrade to 3.0.16 and use it for first trials.


Since last week I get always the same Info-Message:

"Currently no free web float licence slot available!"


I hope you can help.


Best regards




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Hey folks,


If you also receive this error message please try this procedure.






I got the same problem. And this happened recently. And it happened from time to time. My software version is 3.0.19. And the weird part is, the error is "Currently no free web float license slot avaiable!"

It's "avaiable", not "available".

I restarted my computer, it didn't work.

I followed your procedure to execute the reset license file. Didn't work, either.

Please give me some advice. Thank you very much!

BTW, I am a student who studying in Universität Duisburg Essen. Maybe there is something wrong with the license of our institute. 

My colleagues also get the same problem.



Yanxin Feng

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Thank you for reporting this spelling mistake. It has been already fixed in Version 3.1.


Please follow the instructions I have send you.


Simply releasing the licenses in your customer login will fix it.


This also shouldn't happen with a newer CAESES Version 3.1+.


Just a hint: we released CAESES 4.0 in August. Maybe you want to update CAESES to the new version and get a bunch of new features and a new GUI.





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Thank you very much for your help. The problem is fixed now.


Just a question: If we update CAESES to the new version, should we pay for it? I believe I need to discuss this with my professor if we need to pay.



Yanxin Feng

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