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Extract surface

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Hi everyone ! Sorry for asking more questions. Can I know why this happen after I extract surfaces from parasolid? I have attached the picture before extract and after extract surface of parasolid for more understanding with my problem and how can I solve this problem? If I remove the back part one, it is will effect to the result ? Have nice day. Thank you.





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Hi Rull,

what you see when extracting surfaces from a solid ( it doesn't matter if it's a Parasolid import, or any other NURBS-based format, such as IGES, STEP or just a solid modeled in CAESES) are the "underlying surfaces". A few explaining words:

BRep is actually short for "boundary representation" and gives you a hint about what's happening here. Underlying NURBS surfaces + a set of boundary curves (along with some other information) define the final shape. This is very convenient since it allows trimming (and cutting holes, etc.) without actually having to reparameterize the surfaces. If you "ectract" them, you will see the complete surfaces...

I didn't quite understand you question/problem about removing this face though. Maybe you can explain it again?

Best regards,


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