Hi, One of the famous hull forms found in literature is the so-called Wigley hull. It is mathematically defined, see attached formula, and used regularly for tests and validation work. By definition the Wigley hull is a (simple) fully parametric model with beam, draft and height as parameters to control the shape (often normalized by length). A realization of the Wigley hull via a MetaSurface that captures the mathematical formula is given in the attached CAESES project. In addition, some partially parametric modifications are shown, namely, Lackenby type swinging of sections that is realized via a DeltaShift. (Please note that a Generalized Lackenby variation would also be available but was not used here in order to keep the project light.) If you need the hull for your CFD validation work you can use the various exports for panels, offsets, STL, iges etc. More information about ship hull design can be found in the marine section of the CAESES website. Kind regards, Stefan standardWigley.fdb