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About gratschiller

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  1. Update: I soon transfered the file to a newly installed Linux OS, in which connecting didn't pose any problems and the optimization could start as expected. Sincerely, Gian
  2. Good Evening, yes running the Allrun in the directory works without any problems. I also recently tried to connect OpenFOAM via cygwin(like Mr. Carsten Fütterer did), but this still didn't work. Sincerely, Gian
  3. Dear everyone, as my highschool-graduation project, i'm designing, (hopefully) optimizing and then fabricating an Aero-Package for a Racing Kart. Setting up the geometry and running it seperately in OpenFOAM didn't pose any problems; both in WSL and with the native-Windows(https://develop.openfoam.com/Development/openfoam/-/wikis/precompiled/windows#native-windows) version. I followed the CAESES as a GUI for OpemFOAM webinar, but instead of using cygwin, I used the native-Windows version as mentioned above. As the executable, I still inserted the path to the mintty.exe file, which in my case is located in OpenFOAM/v2312/msys64/usr/bin/ When trying to run the computation, it copies all wanted files into the right directory, but doesn't seem to be able to run the Allrun script, even when having put in the suggested string as an argument. Does someone have an idea where I went wrong? Should I try to connect it in Linux instead of Windows, would that be easier? I attached the stdouterroroutput.redirect and the Allrun file. (Also it doesn't work when I insert Allrun as the executable) Thank you very much in advance, Gian Ratschiller Allrun stdouterroroutput.redirect
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