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About elena

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  1. Hi Ceyhan Thank you very much for your accurate answers. I just did not get that how to make *.bat file. is it manually? There will definitely be more questions in the future. should I ask you for guidance on this topic? Or in another way? Please explain how to have a web meeting. best regards Elena
  2. Hi Ceyhan thank you for clear descriptions about the ACT App. Which is your suggestion for optimizing a complex geometry with two or more objective functions? using ANSYS as platform or CAESES? Although I have chosen CAESES so far. Actually I am working at S-duct example in tutorials and So far, I have not been able to execute a run completely. If I succeed, it will be better to have a web meeting at that time. and I am very grateful for your offer. I have a lot of questions now and I apologize in advance 🙂 1. why making a path for results and specify ANSYS installation location is necessary even if I make files by my own? what is the meaning of getResultsDir() or getDesinsDir() commands that mentioned in tutorial pdfs? 2. in general, What mandatory changes must be made to files after they are generated? 3. if I use blocking and meshing in ICEM both together, what kind of files should I generate? and what changes should I make to them? 4. what is the difference between *.sh and *.bat files? how can I make them? is it manually? 5. How do I specify the objective functions? as evaluations? best regards Elena
  3. Hello every body I am using CAESES, ICEM and CFX for automation and optimization too. I have some problems about software connections especially script files generation. I saw the related topics in forum and studied the tutorial files but it would not help me to solve my problem exactly. I thought this attachment may be helpful but it is not available! please investigate it. In addition, there are other questions: Is using the ANSYS ACT app the same as Batch Mode, or are the two different? Please guide me. I am new with CAESES and ANSYS. Best regards Elena
  4. Hello every body I am using CAESES, ICEM and CFX for automation and optimization too. I have some problems about software connections especially script files generation. I saw the related topics in forum and studied the tutorial files but it would not help me to solve my problem exactly. I thought this attachment may be helpful but it is not available! In addition, there are other questions: Is using the ANSYS ACT app the same as Batch Mode, or are the two different? Please guide me. I am new with CAESES and ANSYS. Best regards Elena
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