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Mr. hasan timurlek

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Posts posted by Mr. hasan timurlek

  1. Hello everyone, 

    I'm in lack of opportunity of conducting model test in my university. To carry on my studies I need either full parametric model of well-known benchmark vessels(KCS, KVLCC2, DTC, ONR etc.) to study on multi-objective optimization or experimental results of a SWATH hull to validate myself on CFD and go further. Anyone can give a hand with sth?


    Thank you in advance. Regards,


  2. I hope it's ok attaching files here. (sometimes it may be helpful to anyone encountering similar problems)


    I'll try it that way. However, I don't have any idea which way will represent the hull surfaces more sensitive?


    Best one, in my opinion, is stlSTARCCMSTL. 

    Surface problem could be handled with Trimesh skill to produce watertight triangulized surface mesh.


    If Ok you could send me the surface file through emal park@friendship-systems.com.



    Best regards





  3. Hello everyone,


    I'm working on integration of Caeses and Starccm+  to optimize hull forms. In fact, I've handled making connection. 


    When I model my hull with proper feature definitions (generally I follow Fast Monohull tutorial), I often get the warning given below(even in Fast Monohull Tutorial);


    *** INFO |curve_engines|curve_engine_03 => |f1 => |c3 : smooth curve generation from the current input data is not possible

    *** INFO |surfaces|srf_fwd_01 : warning: internal pole detected in one of the curves, which might lead to surface problems...


    After hiding my head into sand, I export my hull form(srf group) as .step file to StarCCM.  During creation of domain, StarCCM says invalid surface or unclosed srf. When I analyze my surfaces in Rhinoceros, I can see the gaps and invalidities. 


    Which is the best way to export files from CAESES to StarCCM+? How can I get rid of surface problems?


    thank you in advance... 


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