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Hi folks,


please find attached a fully parametric model of a WED - Wake Equalizing Duct. Such a device can increase the wake homogeneity and the hull propeller efficiency.


In the project (baseline > abdy > appendages > duct) you can find three sets of parameters (in the scope 04Parameters):


  • The first set controls the path of the duct which consists of three parts, an upper flat, an round mid-part and an lower flat. The parameters for the path are shown in the figure below.



  • The second set of parameters controls the section of the duct. The standard parameters for a NACA 4 digit profile (chord length, maximum thickness, camber and camber position) are kept constant but can easily be replaced by functions. The angle of attack can be varied for three positions (shown in the figure below).



  • The third set of parameters controls the global position of the duct. With xpos and zPos you can move the duct to the destination. With totalScale you can scale the duct. Taking into account the direction of the skeg surface (the red line shown in the figure below is a surface curve on the skeg at the height of the center of the duct) the duct aligns to the surface and to the surrounding flow. With the parameter addFlowAnlge you can apply an additional angle which results in a rotation around the z-Axis. The parameter AOATotal effects a rotation around the y-Axis.

      post-45-0-56118300-1395741727_thumb.png post-45-0-46713500-1395742236_thumb.png


For external CFD computations you can find a watertight trimesh (imDuctMesh) and the parameter openEdges which checks the watertightness. This parameter can be used as a constraint for the computation.






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