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KVLCC2 / KCS - Paramteric Model

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Dear All,


as I am basically new to CAESES and not very familar with modelling ship hulls myself, I wonder if anybody has already modelled the KVLCC2 / KCS as a fully partametric model in CAESES and would provide me with his/her work. My main purpose would be to use KVLCC2/KCS as model ship and running optimisation studies on it in Star CCM+.


I have tried to import the IGEs files of both, but both seem to be broken. I have also tried to use a KVLCC2 model from my university, which is only available as dbs-file and exported this as STL from Star CCM+, imported it to CAESES and after adjustments in CAESES, re-imported into Star CCM+. However, also this failed. 


Hopefully, there is somebody out there, who could help me.




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