Hi, Sometimes diagrams with important data are available only as graphics files (e.g. after scanning from a report or upon exporting from a pdf-file). CAESES / FRIENDSHIP-Framework can be quickly utilized to read off data from diagrams with high accuracy. To do so, import the graphics as an png-file within a "GL Picture Frame" (1st step). Upon setting the scales of abscissa (x-axis) and ordinate (y-axis) (2nd step) you can readily position a point in your diagram and get your x- and y-coordinates (3rd step). (You may want to use such a point to check the level of accuracy.) Furthermore, you can approximate a graph with a curve, say a B-spline curve (4th step) or interpolate it (5th step). Using the curve representation you can "inquire" the y-value for any given x-value (6th step). The attached fdb-project illustrates the work flow for an imaginary speed-power curve. In addition to using CAESES / FRIENDSHIP-Framework to extract data points from diagrams, you can follow the same approach to replicate a lines plan of a boat, yacht or ship, circumventing classic digitization. Offset data are thus produced effectively. Nice side effect is that you can adjust selected points, for instance to improve accuracy of lines remodeling and "repair" apparent outliers. Kind regards, Stefan ExampleDiagram.zip