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Mr. surya ananth

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Posts posted by Mr. surya ananth

  1. Hi Paulo,


    Thanks for going through the file.


    I am trying out what you suggested. Will soon update you on that.


    Th problem with using a nurbs though is that apart from the angle controls(top and bottom) I can only change the weight (for the three point definition) which I am finding inadequate to get the proper shape.


    Anyhow will try that again. :)




  2. Hi,


    While modeling a high speed hull in CAESES I am having difficulty arriving to faired buttocks and waterlines.


    This is especially the case at junction of two adjacent patches.


    The defining functions have been kept continuous and in some cases the slope taken care of for the adjacent patches.


    For the attached case, I have defined an area input for fspline ( control function -> area input -> mid -> midbilge_area_z) which doesn't give me smooth buttock curves ( especially between midbdy_alt surface and midbdy_f surface). 


    Kindly suggest what is to be done.





  3. Respected sir,

                            My name is Suryaananth. I am master's student of IIT kharagpur(Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering). I have gone through your post of making kvlcc 2 propeller in CAESES. I have the table data of naca 66 section a =0.8, and radial distributions of propeller and I was not getting how to give the distributions of these functions. Can u attach the file of the propeller?


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