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Mr. Konrad Lorentz

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Posts posted by Mr. Konrad Lorentz

  1. Sailing is fun!


    More and more gadgets are used to make sailing on yachts more "efficient".



    I will sail longer distances and will take part in an offshore race. Polar diagrams will help me to find out the boat speed on the predicted wind conditions.


    But I hadn't the correct format of the polar information to use it in my programs. I want to use QTVlm and iRegatta.


    I decided to remodel my curves in the FRIENDSHIP-Framework (CAESES will also work) using interpolation curves.


    I created a GLPictureframe. loaded the polar plot image found in the web as png.


    I switched to the grid view and added some points on the curve (windspeed curve).


    Put them into a scope, used these points to create an interpolation curve.




    The curves are there!


    The next step is to define a functionality to get the boat speed using the TWA (TrueWindAngle) and the TWS (TrueWindSpeed).




    Now I created a loop around it, to call the function with different curves (windspeeds) and different attack angles.


    "Playing" around: (press the Run button on the feature)






    Next step: Put the console output into a text file, load it in your app and have fun.


    QtVlm's folder for polar plots is: C:\Program Files\qtVlm\polar


    iRegatta can import it out of DropBox with the "Open in iRegatta" Option.

    2013-06-11 07.55.12.png


  2. Hi,

    on some Linux distributions it might happen that CAESES/FFW will crash when opening FileDialogs in certain cases (taking screenshots, creating PDFs, and adding files to the SoftwareConnector).

    It was reported when using the local storage for the CAESES/FFW. Maybe moving the application directory onto a network share could help. If it does not, the following solution may work:


    edit as root : /etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/default-modules.conf
    and comment out the line "file:file"

    To verify that this solution will work for your problem, please detect the problem! :-)

    - open a Terminal
    - navigate to the location of the application launcher
    - start the application:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/CAESES/lib/Linux.x86_64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    LD_DEBUG=files /opt/CAESES/bin/Linux.x86_64/CAESES 2>&1 | tail -50

    (please replace /opt/CAESES with your installation path)

    if you find an output like:


    calling init: /usr/lib64/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/libfile.so

    opening file=/usr/lib64/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/libfile.so [0]; direct_opencount=1

    /usr/lib64/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/libfile.so: error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: g_module_check_init (fatal)
    /usr/lib64/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/libfile.so: error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: g_module_unload (fatal)
    /usr/lib64/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/libfile.so: error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: vfs_module_transform (fatal)

    the suggested fix will work.

    I hope that will help you!


  3. If you have start problems on openSuse12.2, please start CAESES-FFW in a Terminal.




    If the error message is :


    bin/Linux.x86_64/CAESES-FFW: error while loading shared libraries: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory



    you have to install libpng12-0 using Yast/Software Management or via zypper.



    In case of zypper, open a Terminal and enter:



    sudo zypper install libpng12-0



    Thats it. Now you should be able to start CAESES-FFW.





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