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Mr. Erik Doelerud

Import data to use plotting functions

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I have a large dataset [20000 13] that I would like to visualise using the frameworks plotting functions.

Can I import this data into a results table and use the plotting functions from there?

How would I do it?

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Hi Erik,

I assume you mean the pdf reports?

There is only a workaround which would work with a Framework license. Let's ask Ben if he can provide an import for a designResultsTable. Since a table can be detached (entries are kept even though designs are already deleted), it should also be possible to import data.





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Hi Erik,


Well, you could trick CAESES to read in your data as a result from a fake computation.

- Create a Software Connector and set a dummy file (just anything) as local application for the computation.

- Then let it run. Of course nothing will happen due to the set dummy executable, but the proper folder structure will be created by CAESES.

- Place your data file in the just created result directory (Something like: .../workingDir/projectName/manual_results/baseline/computationName/)

- Then create a new result file in the result files area of the software connector and select your data file from the open file dialog. Don't forget to check if the type of the file is set to "generic table" (see Object Editor).

- Now you can run the computation again or "read in existing result files" (right click on computation item).

You will then get a table with all the values from the data file.


But of course, that works only if the data can be read in as a table, e.g. comma separated numbers or such.


If we are talking about the so called Design Results Table here it is simply not possible to load a single file into it. That is because the Design Results Table is too specialized. It shows designs from an optimization run and extracted values of the results of these designs.



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Hi Ben,

Would it be difficult to offer an import function for a Design Result Table? Knowing that the results are not connected to designs.

It would be great having the report generation available.



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Hi Claus,


Yes, i'm afraid it would be difficult.

Like i said, the Design Result Table is very specialized. It has an underlying structure model consisting of designs, designVariables, evaluations and constraints. All these things are carefully connected to a caching system (not to mention result states, statistics, optimization run belonging and stuff like that...). A simple file of rows and columns just doesn't fit into that structure. I wouldn't advise try bending everything that much to make such an import possible.

If needed i guess it would be easier to implement automatic report generation (like PDF files) for the common result tables.




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