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Mr. Vahid Jafari

Surface Definition, Subsurface

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Hi there,


I have a general querstion about surface modeling and subsurfaces. I want to cut off a plate, which is intersected by a cylinder. As you can see here post-1090-0-21735300-1554798782_thumb.png post-1090-0-55593700-1554798795_thumb.pngpost-1090-0-94738400-1554798802_thumb.png, Caeses can not get the whole domain to trim the surface. It tries to split the domain into sub-domains instead, such that each sub-domain has four boundries. I want to ask if it's possible to trim an intersection surface without segmentation? Can Caeses define a surface with e.g. five boundaries? After calculating the intersection curve, does Caeses redefine the u-v parametrization with respect to the new trimmed surface or original untriimed one?






P.S. It's not even possible to gather all parts together with polysurface afterwards. post-1090-0-62937500-1554798749_thumb.png 

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Hi Vahid,


There are several ways to do this in CAESES. One option is attached, where a brep is used instead of subsurfaces. If you do not need the UV-domain modeling, this option is probably more convenient. In CAESES, things are made dependent on each other, which is the reason for the reference ray you have to define to remove the hit target, and to keep the relationship once the geometry moves or changes. I.e. the ray-based removal might seem to be an overhead but is useful during shape changes.


The feature you used tries to create a four-sided subsurface by snapping to the boundaries - which is not what you need in your case.


Hope this helps,




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